Uroš Ćemalović, PhD
Senior Research Associate
General Information
Uroš Ćemalović is a senior research associate and a doctor of law. He is expert in European Union law, intellectual property law, the relationship between law and technology, environmental law and public administration. He has two decades of experience in the private and public sectors. Mr Ćemalović received his Ph.D. degree (2010) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Strasbourg, defending his thesis in the field of intellectual property law; he completed his master’s studies in the field of public administration (Paris Dauphine) and EU law (Nancy 2), and graduated (2003) from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade, with an average grade of 10. He worked as a legal expert and expert consultant for various international organizations, but also represented and advised numerous domestic and international companies, primarily in the areas of regulatory reforms, intellectual property rights and competition law. In the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia (2007-2013), he dealt with the harmonisation of domestic legislation with the EU acquis. He was a visiting professor at several universities in Europe (LUISS Rome, Catholic University of Lille, New Bulgarian University), and during 2018, at the Department of European Public Law of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, he managed a scientific project on the transformation of the national normative framework in the field of intellectual property rights during the EU accession process. From January 2022, he manages the international project “Environmental Legislation and Sustainable Economic Development – the State of Play in Serbia and Experiences of the Croatian EU Membership”. He published four books and more than 40 scientific papers, in English, French and Serbian, in various publications printed in the USA, France, Germany, Poland, Croatia and Serbia. Mr Ćemalović speaks English and French.
Participation in National and International Scientific and Research Projects
Date | Institution(s) | Position | Description |
01/2022- to date | Faculty of Law – University of Osijek / Institute of European Studies, Belgrade | Project Leader | – international scientific project ‘Environmental Legislation and Sustainable Development – the State of Play in Serbia and Experiences of the Croatian EU Membership’ |
12/2022-to date | Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade | Grantee for a research project on digital transformation | – one of 11 grantees within the project “Serbia and Global Challenges 2: Towards More Just and Democratic Public Policies”, with a project on environmental protection |
2022 | Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering and 15 other R&D institutions | Consultant for patent law | provided legal consultancy on patent law for Horizon Europe call 0116: Identification, Assessment and Management of Existing and Emerging Food Safety Issues elaborated the intellectual property management strategy for the project proposal “Development of Microbiota-based assessment tools and integrated approaches for early detection and mitigation of food safety risks’ |
09/2021- 07/2022 | Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade | Grantee for a research project on digital transformation | one of 15 grantees within the project “Serbia and Global Challenges 1: Towards More Just and Democratic Public Policies”, with a project on digital transformation and intellectual property Elaborated a study on the impact of technology on creative industries |
09/2018- 11/2018 | Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb – Department of European Public Law | Project Leader and Senior Visiting Research Fellow | – project ‘Intellectual Property Law and its Enforcement: Challenges in the EU Accession Process’ (Open Society Institute funded research project aiming to bring analysis of the process of legal drafting in the field of intellectual property, in order to develop policy making recommendations for all EU membership aspirants in the Eastern Europe) |
Selected Bibliography
- Duić, Dunja; Ćemalović, Uroš (ur.) (2022): Zakonodavstvo zaštite okoliša i održivi ekonomski razvoj u EU (Environmental Protection Law and Sustainable Economic Development in the EU), Osijek: Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku – Pravni fakultet Osijek / University of Osijek – Faculty of Law (213 p.)
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2019): Pravo intelektualne svojine i digitalna transformacija – neka aktuelna pitanja (Intellectual Property Law and Digital Transformation – Some Current Issues), Beograd: Institut za evropske studije / Belgrade: Institute of European Studies (206 p.)
- Jović, Vojislav; Milutinović, Olivera; Manojlović, Dragan; Ćemalović, Uroš: Pravo bezbednosti (Security Law), Beograd/Belgrade: Beosing (833 p.)
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2016): Le mouvement d’unification du droit des marques dans l’Union européenne (Towards the Unification of Trademark Law in the European Union), Lille: ANRT. (426 p.)
Chapters in Books
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2023): „Article 116 TFEU – Distortion of Competition“, in: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – A Commentary (eds: Hermann-Josef Blanke, Stelio Mangiameli), Berlin: Springer.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2023): „Article 117 TFEU – National Measures“, in: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – A Commentary (eds: Hermann-Josef Blanke, Stelio Mangiameli), Berlin: Springer.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2022): „Between European Union’s aptitude for enlargement and ’a Clearer prospect’ of accession – some lessons of the French presidency of the Council of the EU“, in: Srebrna księga jubileuszowa upamiętniająca XXV-lecie Wydziału Prawa i Administracji, Warsaw: Lazarski University.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2022): „Status of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the United Nations System and Its Competences“, in: International Organizations: Serbia and Contemporary World, Vol. 1, Ch. 22, Belgrade: Institute of International Economics and Politics.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2022): „Od ekologije do ekološkog prava – nastanak i evolucija zakonodavstva u području zaštite okoliša“, u: Zakonodavstvo zaštite okoliša i održivi ekonomski razvoj u EU, Osijek: Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera – Pravni fakultet.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2021): „2020 Country Report on Serbia”, in: 2020 Global Review of Constitutional Law (eds: Richard Albert, David Landau, Pietro Faraguna, Simon Drugda), Boston: I-CONnect and the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2021): „Supremacy of EU Law over National Legislation and Supreme Jurisdictions of the Member States – A Quest for a New Balance“, in: Europe in Changes: The Old Continent at a New Crossroads (eds: Katarina Zakić, Birgül Demirtaş) Institute of International Politics and Economics, Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2020): „2019 Country Report on Serbia”, in: 2019 Global Review of Constitutional Law (eds: Richard Albert, David Landau, Pietro Faraguna, Simon Drugda), Boston: I-CONnect and the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2019): „2018 Country Report on Serbia”, in: 2018 Global Review of Constitutional Law (eds: Richard Albert, David Landau, Pietro Faraguna, Simon Drugda), Boston: I-CONnect and the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2018): „2017 Country Report on Serbia”, in: 2017 Global Review of Constitutional Law (eds: Richard Albert, David Landau, Pietro Faraguna, Simon Drugda), Boston: I-CONnect and the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College.
- Ћемаловић, Урош (2020): “Општи правни оквир у области јавних медијских сервиса – компаративна студија регулативе у Уједињеном Краљевству, Финској и Србији”, Медијска политика и евроинтеграције (ур. Ирина Милутиновић), Београд: Институт за европске студије, Фондација Ханс Зајдел.
- Ћемаловић, Урош (2018). “Усклађивање домаћег правног Система са правним тековинама Европске уније – општи теоријски оквир и нека практична питања”, Номотехника и правничко расуђивање (ур. Радмила Васић), Београд: Правни факултет Универзитета у Београду, Програм Уједињених нација за развој у Србији.
- Ћемаловић, Урош (2018): „Међународна правна заштита нових биљних сорти – преиспитивање UPOV конвенције и других релевантних механизама“, Између киборга и химере – човек и савремена биоетика (ур. Миша Ђурковић), Београд: Catena Mundi, Институт за европске студије.
- Ћемаловић, Урош; Вукадиновић, Ана (2017): “Правни режим својине над непокретностима – обавезе Србије према Споразуму о стабилизацији и придруживању”, Економске, социјалне и развојне последице продаје пољопривредног земљишта у Србији (ур. Божо Драшковић), Београд: Институт економских наука.
- Ћемаловић, Урош (2012): “Однос Европске уније и Србије – аспекти везани за процес усклађивања домаћег законодавства са acquis communautaire”, Зборник радова Центра за стратешке студије (2. издање), Београд: Академија за дипломатију и безбедност.
Conference Papers
- Ćemalović, Uroš; Pavičić, Pavle (2022): „Pravo autora na posebnu naknadu – opšti okvir u pravu EU, komparativni pregled i stanje u Republici Srbiji“, Zbornik radova 35. Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava, 13-17. decembar 2022. godine, tom III: 133-145.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2020): “Towards a New Strategy for EU Enlargement – Between the Wish for an Encouragement, the Reality of the Fatigue and the Threat of a Dead End”, EU 2020 – Lessons from the past and solutions or the future, Book of Proceedings of the 4th International ECLIC (EU and comparative law issues and challenges series) Scientific Conference, held on September 10-11, 2020, Osijek: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law: 281-298.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2018): “Protection of New Varieties of Plants – International Legal Framework and Damage Compensation for Violation of Breeder’s Right”, Liability, Damage Compensation and Insurance, Proceedings from 21th International scientific conference, held on September 20-22, 2018,Belgrade: Institute of Comparative Law: 263-275.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2017): “Compensation for Patent Infringement – Normative Analysis of the Relevant Provisions of the European Patent Convention (16th Edition)”, Liability, Damage Compensation and Insurance, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance, held on September 14-16, 2017, Belgrade: Institute of Comparative Law: 200-208.
- Ћемаловић, Урош (2014): “Накнада штете у случају повреде комунитарног жига – општи нормативни оквир у правном систему Европске уније”, Зборник радова са 17. међународног научног скупа „Осигурање, накнада штете и парнични поступак“, одржаног у 25-27. септембра 2014. године, Београд: Институт за упоредно право – Intermex: 327-340.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2020): “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The EU and the Western Balkans After the Adoption of the New Enlargement Methodology and the Conclusions of the Zagreb Summit”, Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy Vol. 16, Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law: 179-196.
- Ćemalović, Uroš; Jović, Vojislav (2015): “L’évolution de la protection de l’environnement dans le processus d’adhésion à l’Union européenne – le cas de la Serbie“, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen 2-2015, Paris: Dalloz: 321-336.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2016): “L’évolution du cadre jurisprudentiel et législatif en matière du rapprochement du droit des marques dans l’Union européenne”, Revue Francophone de la Propriété Intellectuelle 2-2016, Strasbourg: Association Francophone de la Propriété Intellectuelle: 95-103.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2015): “Framework for the Approximation of National Legal Systems with the European Union’s Acquis: From a Vague Definition to Jurisprudential Implementation”, Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy Vol. 11, Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law: 241-258.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2015): “Notions of Likelihood of Confusion and of Trademark with a Reputation in the Harmonized EU Trademark Law”, Ius Novum 2-2015, Warsaw: Faculty of Law and Administration, Lazarski University: 57-72.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2022): „Intellectual property rights and digital transformation in Estonia: Aspects related to copyright and patent protection“, Foreign Legal Life 4/2022: 701-713.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2020): “Creativity and Ownership: Protection of Rights in Musical Works in the European Union From Digitisation to Artificial Intelligence”, Musicology Vol. 29, Belgrade: Institute of Musicology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts: 149-162.
- Ćemalović, Uroš, Petrović, Milica (2019): “New Varieties of Plants and Legal Protection of Breeder’s Right – the UPOV Convention and its Major Economic Consequences”, Economics of Agriculture 2/2019, Belgrade: Institute of Agricultural Economics: 513-524.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2019): “Membership in the EU and Nationalistic Discourse in the Western Balkans – Legal Aspects”, Foreign Legal Life 4-2019, Belgrade: Institute of Comparative Law: 7-18.
- Ćemalović, Uroš (2016): “Harmonisation of Serbian National Legal System with European Union Acquis – the Case of Environment”, Economics of Agriculture 3/2016, Belgrade: Institute of Agricultural Economics: 891-904.