Dr. Irina Milutinović, a Senior Research Associate at our Institute, is one of the authors of the
chapter “The Role of Alternative News Media online for Media Pluralism in Albania,
Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey”, which has been recently published
within a monograph by the publishing house “Routledge”: “Media Pluralism in the Digital
Era: Legal, Economic, Social, and Political Lessons Learned from Europe” (edited by E.
Brogi, I. Nenadić, P. L. Parcu). This book brought together scientists, journalists and
researchers from 27 European countries, who conducted a comparative and longitudinal
analysis of the evolution of conditions and standards relevant to sustainable, free and plural
media and journalism in Europe over the last ten years. Combining legal, economic,
sociological and political perspectives, chapters provide a holistic view of the concept of
media pluralism, which is perceived as a key condition for a well-functioning democracy.