Institute of European Studies will jointly with the Metropolitan University Prague organize an Advanced Research Workshop project
Security and Legal Impacts of Strengthened Border Protection in Western Balkans: Lessons Learned from 2015 to 2016
under the NATO Science for Peace and Security program (SPS.ARW.G5719).
The project aims to analyse the impact of migration crisis on border management on so called Balkan Route with the focus on external EU border between Serbia, Croatia, and Hungary. This has had significant impact on substance of (non-)institutionalized cooperation between EU/NATO countries and non- EU/NATO countries, namely Serbia and North Macedonia. After 3 years, there is a space for in depth analysis of lessons learned as well as reforms undertaken by relevant international, national, and regional actors.
Co-directors of the project are Dr Michal Vit (Metropolitan University Prague) and Dr Milan Igrutinović (IES).