The Institute of European Studies and Matica Srpska are pleased to announce the lectures by
Madame Chantal Delsol
Globalization and Metamorphosis of Humanism
Matica Srpska | March 29 | 12 noon (CET)
Presentation of Book: “The End of Christianity”
Insitute of European Studies | March 30 | 12 noon (CET)
Madame Chantal Delsol is a French philosopher, historian of political ideas and novelist. She founded the Hannah Arendt Research Institute and teaches philosophy at the University of Paris-Est. She is a student of the famous French thinker Julien Freund and the author of numerous monographs and works, translated into multiple languages.
The audience can watch the lecture at the Institute of European Studies live, as well as via Zoom, with prior registration at the following link: