European Movement in Serbia, Institute of European Studies, with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, are organizing a conference European Parliament Elections – Results, Expectations and Possible Influence on the Western Balkans, on 13 June 2019 at Aeroklub (Uzun Mirkova 4) at 10:00.
On direct elections held May 23-26, citizens of 28 European Union member states have chosen 751 members of the ninth European Parliament. What happened, who are winners and losers, how will the resulsts shape the Parliament, Commision and the European Council, what where the key messages in the campaign, is the EU ready for reforms and which reforms are these, what is the possible influence of EU elections on the enlargement policy and on the Western Balkans… are just few of the issues that we will cover over two sessions.
Working language is Serbian, with translation into English.
Радни језик конференције је српски, уз обезбеђен превод на енглески. Here is the full agenda of the conference.
Izbori za Evropski parlament – Rezultati, očekivanja i mogući uticaj na Zapadni Balkan