From May 3 to 5, Dr. Miša Đurković will participate in the European CPAC conference in Budapest. It will also be attended by Viktor Orbán and numerous former prime ministers, ministers of European governments, Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, directors of numerous American conservative foundations, intellectuals, professors and activists. The conference agenda is available at the…
Author: ies.admin
10-13 May – International Scholarly Conference “Problems of Identity Construction in the Post-Soviet and Post-Yugoslav Space”
The Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of European Studies are organizing the event between May 10 and 13: International Scholarly Conference “Problems of Identity Construction in the Post-Soviet and Post-Yugoslav Space” The conference can be attended live. We ask those interested in…
May 8 – Talk about the Book by Prof. Slobodan Zečević “On Gaullism and the Serbs”
The Institute of European Studies is organizing on May 8, starting at 12 noon (CEST) a Talk about the Book by Prof. Slobodan Zečević “On Gaullism and the Serbs” Participants: The audience can follow the talk live, as well as via Zoom, with prior registration at the following link:
22-23. April – Dr. Miša Đurković Visiting Zurich
Dr. Miša Đurković, Principal Research Fellow of the Institute of European Studies, will be in Zurich on April 22 and 23. At the invitation of the Church Municipality of Zurich, he will hold two lectures: Prince Mihailo Obrenović, an Unrealized Great Figure of Serbian History Saturday, April 22 | 12:00 p.m. (CEST) Christian Family Facing…
Anila Jelesijević, “Srbija i velike sile” [“Serbia and the Great Powers”], Belgrade: Institute of European Studies, 2023.
Dr. Anila Jelesijević’s book “Serbia and the Great Powers” is a significant scholarly work on politics from the position of power of the United States of America, the Russian Federation and the European Union towards the Republic of Serbia. It is a study that consists of a detailed analysis of the policy from the position…
April 14 – Dr. Miša Đurković Visited the University of Uppsala
During a short stay in Sweden, Dr. Miša Đurković visited the University of Uppsala, the oldest university in Sweden, where he met with geopolitics professor Gregory Simons.
April 26 – Seminar on the Book “Cynical Theories”
The Institute of European Studies is organizing on Wednesday, April 26, starting at 1 p.m. (CEST): Seminar on the book by Helen Plakrose and James Lindsay “Cynical Theories” (translation by Olga Milanko, Smederevo: Heliks, 2022) Participants: The audience can watch the lecture live, as well as via Zoom, with prior registration at the following link:…
April 20 – Prof. Gerd Morgenthaler: Disputes between the Constitutional Court of the FR of Germany and the European Court of Justice
The Institute for European Studies, in cooperation with Matica Srpska, organizes lectures by Prof. Gerd Morgenthaler a professor at the University of Siegen (Germany) Oswald Spengler’s Morphology of History Matica Srpska | April 19 | 12:00 (CEST)in German, with interpretation Disputes between the Constitutional Court of the FR of Germany and the European Court of…
Andreas Roth, “Johan Albreht fon Rajsvic (1899-1962). Od nelagodnog stručnjaka za jugoistočnu Evropu do zaštitnika spomenika” [“Johann Albrecht von Reiswitz (1899-1962). From an Inconvenient Expert on Southeast Europe to Protector of Monuments”], trans. Z. Janjetović, Belgrade – Novi Sad: Institute of European Studies – Archives of Vojvodina, 2023.
The Institute of European Studies, in cooperation with the Archives of Vojvodina, published a new interesting edition. This is the first monograph on Johann Albrecht von Reiswitz, authored by Andreas Roth. It is a somewhat abbreviated edition of Mr. Roth’s voluminous book, who gave permission for us to translate for our market those parts related…
April 3-5 – Srboljub Peović at the Seventeenth Work Meeting of Trustees for Refugees of the Republic of Serbia
Srboljub Peović, Research Assistant at the Institute of European Studies, participated in the Seventeenth Work Meeting of Trustees for Refugees, organized by the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia, during which he gave a presentation on the topic of trends and perspectives on the Eastern Mediterranean-Balkan migration route.