On Thursday, September 29, starting at 12 noon (CEST), the Institute for European Studies is organizing a Round Table Parliamentary Elections in Italy – Results and Consequences Speakers: Francesco Giubilei, the Nazione Futura organization (Rome) Dr. Slobodan Janković, Institute of International Politics and Economics Dr. Miša Đurković, Institute of European Studies The round table can…
Author: ies.admin
September 28 – Conference: “Environmental Legislation and Sustainable Development – The State of Play in Serbia and Experiences of the Croatian Eu Membership”
On 28 September 2022, starting at 9:30 AM (Nikola Pašić Square 11, 4th floor, hall 136), the Institute for European Studies (IES) from Belgrade, in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek (PRAVOS), organises the International Scientific Conference entitled: Environmental Legislation and Sustainable Development – The State of…
September 27 – Round Table: “Studying After Bologna – Focus on the Issue of Environmental Protection in the Educational Systems of Serbia and Croatia – The Students’ Point of View”
On 27 September 2022, starting at 4:30 P.M. (Nikola Pašić Square 11, 4th floor, hall 136), the Institute for European Studies (IES) from Belgrade, in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek (PRAVOS), organises a Round Table “Studying After Bologna – Focus on the Issue of Environmental Protection…
September 26 – H. E. Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Ashot Hovakimian: “Armenia: Challenges and the Way Forward”
On Monday, September 26, starting at 12 noon, a lecture will be held in the Conference Hall of the Institute of European Studies, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia: H. E. Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Ashot Hovakimian Armenia:…
September 15 – “General Election in Sweden: What do the results tell us?”
On Thursday, September 15, starting at 12 noon, the Institute of European Studies is organizing a discussion General Election in Sweden: What do the Results Tell Us? Speakers: MSc Aleksa Filipović, Ph.D. student at the St. Petersburg State University MSc Jovica Pavlović, research associate of the Institute of European Studies The event can be followed…
September 12 – Presentation of the “Serbian Review for European Studies” Magazine
On Monday, September 12, starting at 12 noon (CEST), the Institute of European Studies is organizing a Presentation of the magazine Serbian Review of European Studies Speakers: Dr. Miša Đurković, Institute of European Studies, Publishing Council member Dr. Milan Igrutinović, Institute of European Studies, Editor-in-Chief Dr. Vladimir Ristanović, Institute of European Studies Prof. Nataša Mrvić…
Dr. Irina Milutinović on a Study Visit at the EUI
Dr. Irina Milutinović, a Senior Research Associate at our Institute, is staying at the Robert SchumanCentre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, from the 2nd tothe 30th of September 2022. Dr. Milutinović is an external associate on their research programmethat is led by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media…
Petar Milutinović, MA
Work Experience Education Conferences and Seminars Bibliography Review Scientific Article Book Review Essay Language Skills
Dionisije Dejan Nikolić, “Četiri ogleda o hrišćanskom liberalizmu” [“Four Essays on Christian Liberalism”], Novi Sad – Belgrade, Vojvodina Archives – Institute of European Studies, 2022.
“Four Essays on Christian Liberalism” by Dionisije Dejan Nikolić is not without a certain, not at all accidental (albeit polemical) collusion with the work of (it is to be hoped) the blessedly departed Mr. Isaiah Berlin: “Four Essays on Freedom”. In brief, in the first three essays the author dealt with the three colors of…
July 29 – Presentation of the book by Prof. Stevan Gajić at the Gorchakov Fund
On Friday, July 29, from 1 p.m. Moscow time (GMT+2), a presentation of the book Od roba do građanina: Borba Afroamerikanaca za priznanje čovečnosti (From a Slave to a Citizen: A Struggle by Afro-Americans for Recognition of Humaneness) by Prof. Stevan Gajić will be held. The presentation will be organized in a hybrid format, live…