On January 24, 2024, Research Associate of the Institute for European Studies MSc. Petar S. Ćurčić held a guest lecture to the participants of the Higher Security and Defense Studies programme on the topic “German policy towards the world, Europe, the Western Balkans and Serbia”. It was hosted by the School of National Defense “Vojvoda…
Author: Marija Marsenic
Rajko Petrović, Politički sistemi zemalja Latinske Amerike [Political Systems of Latin American Countries], Zoran Stojanović Publishing House and Institute of European Studies, Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad, 2023
This comprehensive analysis of the political, economic and social history of Latin American countries also includes a critical problematization of contemporary phenomena characteristic of that region. The work is the result of a precisely defined thematic framework, a clear application of the methodological procedure, an original approach to the topic, an accessible style of expression,…
January 26 – Dr. Jelena Jovanović: „Moba group and Serbian folk songs, through research and through live sound”
On Friday, January 26, starting at 12 noon, on the occasion of three decades of work of theMoba group, the Institute of European Studies is organizing a sermon on the occasion of St. Sava Day Dr. Jelena Jovanović MOBA GROUP AND SERBIAN FOLK SONGS, THROUGH RESEARCHAND THROUGH LIVE SOUND Dr. Jelena Jovanović is a Principal…
Janaury 18 – “Shane MacGowan and the role of popular music in the construction of contemporary Irish identity”
On Thursday, January 18, starting at 12 noon, the Institute of European Studies is organizing alecture SHANE MACGOWAN AND THE ROLE OF POPULAR MUSIC IN THECONSTRUCTION OF CONTEMPORARY IRISH IDENTITY Speakers: The audience can follow the lecture live, as well as via Zoom, with a prior registration at thefollowing link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BonTM-cUTBiLD2h6gzP30A#/registration
The project on artificial intelligence (AI), led by Dr. Uroš Ćemalović, will be implemented until mid-October 2024
With the support of the Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia (TechnologyTransfer Program), the Institute of European Studies is implementing a project inthe field of artificial intelligence (AI) entitled „Appliance for Regulatory andEthical Evaluation of the Outputs of AI-based text-to-image Software Solutions“(TT1162). The project is managed by Dr. Uroš Ćemalović, it includes researchersfrom the…