This paper emphasizes the importance of postmodern theory for the realization of the digitaltransformation of the European Union. The European Union unveiled its “Digital Decade”strategy in March 2021. This policy agenda is based on the 2030 Digital Compass, a roadmap toachieve the digital transformation of the EU economy and society. The 2030 Digital Compassemphasizes that…
Author: Marija Marsenic
Dr. Sanja Ivić, “The Relevance of Christian Ethics to the Ethic of Care,” The Routledge International Handbook of Sociology and Christianity, ed. by Dennis Hiebert (New York: Routledge, 2023 ), 403-415.
This chapter emphasizes the Christian roots of contemporary ethics of care that is significant fordealing with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The ethics of care is a normativeethical philosophy that has evolved from the recognition of the interconnectedness of all humanbeings, as well as their obligations to each other. It is based on a…
July 24 – Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı: „Middle East – Actual Threats“
On Wednesday, July 24, starting at 12:00, the Institute for European Studies has the honor to welcome again prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı, the famous Turkish academician and president of the Turkish Institute for Foreign Policy from Ankara. On that occasion, prof. Dr. Bağcı will give a lecture entitled: “Middle East – Actual Threats” during which…
Lecture by Dr. Rajko Petrović at the Summer School of Latin American Studies in Belgrade
Dr. Rajko Petrović, research associate of the Institute оf European Studies, held a lecture entitled “Latin America and the Great Powers” on July 12, 2024, as part of this year’s 8th Summer School of Latin American Studies in Belgrade, organized by the Society of Hispanists of Serbia, with partnership cooperation with the Institute оf European…
Rajko Petrović (ed.), Portugal today – views from Serbia, Institute оf European Studies, Belgrade, 2024, 239 pages
The readers are presented with the first collection dedicated to political, social, economic, energy and religious situations in contemporary Portugal. It is a set of 11 papers that analyze from different angles the challenges and problems that Portugal faces, and often successfully copes with. The special value of the collection is represented by two facts…
Uroš Ćemalović, Dunja Duić, “EU Integration and Environmental Law“, Institute for European Studies, Belgrade, 2024
The main objective of this edited book is to contribute to reflection on the complex relationsbetween EU integration taken lato sensu and environmental legislation. It is intended for awider scientific community, practitioners in various fields, the business community, politicaldecision-makers, but also for every reader sharing with our authors a passion forenvironmental protection, as well as…
01-31. July – Dr. Goran Nikolić on a study stay at the Economic Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Goran Nikolić, Principal Research Fellow of the Institute for European Studies, is on a study stay in Moscow, at the Economic Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the period from July 1 to 31, 2024, where he will participate in a series of expert lectures covering the most modern topics in the…
Dr. Rajko Petrović at the Second Symposium “Latin America and the Balkans: Approaches and Similarities” in Novi Sad
Dr. Rajko Petrović, research associate of the Institute of European Studies,participated on July 6, 2024 at the Second Symposium “Latin America and theBalkans: Approaches and Similarities” organized by the Ibero-American Center at theFaculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, where he presented on the topic under entitled“The contribution of Latin American countries to Serbia’s struggle to…
July 9 – Lord David Owen – Webinar on the 110th anniversary of the start of WW1
On Tuesday, July 9, starting at 12:00h, the Institute for European Studies is organizingWebinar on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War,featuring an introductory lecture by Lord David Owen, followed by comments from Prof. Dr.Čedomir Antić. LORD DAVID OWEN- WEBINAR ON THE 110TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE START OFWW1…
July 8 – Promotion of Dr. Rajko Petrović’s book: “Political Systems of Latin American Countries” (Zoran Stojanović Publishing House, Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad, 2023).July 8 –
On Monday, July 8, starting at 6 p.m., the Institute for European Studies and the Hispanista Society are organizing the promotion of Dr. Rajko Petrović’s book: “Political Systems of Latin American Countries” (Zoran Stojanović Publishing House, Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad, 2023). The promotion will be held at the Cultural Center “Parobrod” in Kapetan-Mišina 6a. Dr….