Aleksandar Gajić, In the Vortex of Transition: Serbia in the Modern World (2005-2015), Belgrade, 2013.
Author: sonnar.admin
Mirror of the Ruler – Konstantin Mihailovic and Machiavelli
Aleksandar Gajić, Mirror of the Ruler – Konstantin Mihailovic and Machiavelli, Belgrade, 2014. ISBN 978-86-82057-50-5 Download PDF (in Serbian)
Turkey – a regional power?
Edited by Aleksandar Gajić and Milan Igrutinović, Belgrade 2013 Слика савремене Турске до које смо ми дошли веома је разнолика. Ради се о изразито амбициозном пројекту око којег се окупио велики део политичке и економске елите, који има значајну подршку великих савезника, али и о пројекту који је пре свега угрожен унутрашњим сукобима, прегрејаном економијом…
Crisis of the European Union – Scopes, Limits, Trends
Aleksandar Gajić and Milan Igrutinović (eds), Crisis of the European Union – Scopes, Limits, Trends, Belgrade, 2013. Download the book (in Serbian): Криза Европске уније – оквири, домети, трендови
Serbia in European Integration Processes: Global Context, Institutions, Identity
2011. – current The project’s aim is monitoring, analysis and design of a deepening and more torough relations between Serbia and the European Union. This relationship is viewed in a broader context of significant global changes in the modern world of which the following are particularly noteworthy: serious financial and economic crisis; indications of power…
Perspectives of Serbia’s European Frame
2006 – 2010 The project deals with the dynamic changes in the European Union, the conditions of accession of the Western Balkans into the Union and reforms in Republic of Serbia. In this respect, special emphasis is placed on analysis of the functioning of institutions within the European Union, the problem of the European Constitution…
Serbia in the Lobby of the European Union: Challenges and Possible Outcomes
Edited by Gordana Zivkovic, Belgrade 2010 From the Introductory word: “The main objective of this compilation is “the opening” of complex, sensitive, and largely under-researched ideologized and politicized issues of relations between Serbia and the European Union, with no pretense of finding a comprehensive and mutually coherent response. Therefore, its main drawback, but also the…
Accelerated Accession into European Union – A Prerequisite for Serbia’s Successful Transition and Development
2001 – 2005 The research topic is the analysis of necessary conditions which need to be met by Republic of Serbia in order to start the process of joining the European Union’s member states. This constitutes a radical change of economic system, the procedures in functioning of democratic institutions and public administration, market opening, changing…
Dictatorship, Nation, Globalization
Miša Djurković, Dictatorship, Nation, Globalization, Belgrade, 2002. Download PDF (in Serbian)
Europe and Yugoslavia: Problems of Integration, Modernization and Transition
1996 – 2000 A global research project was conceived as an interdisciplinary study of external and internal preconditions for realistically feasible transition strategy. The project builds on previous results of the global project “Europe in Transformation: nature, trends and perspectives”. In previous research period the emphasis was placed primarily on the causes of the Yugoslav…