The Institute of European Studies invites you to the lecture of the Ambassador of France to Serbia, Mr. Pierre Cochard, entitled „France, Serbia and the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union“. The lecture will take place on Wednesday, 9 February 2022 in the Institute’s conference hall (Nikola Pašić Square 11, 4th floor,…
Author: sonnar.admin
January 27 – Prof. Aleksandar Milanović: “Serb Language, Literature & Culture on the Abyss’ Edge?”
In honor of the recently deceased Professor Aleksandar Jovanović, on St. Sava’s Day, Thursday, January 27, starting at 12 o’clock (CET), at the forum of the Institute of European Studies, his long-time associate, Dr. Aleksandar Milanović, Full Professor at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade will give a lecture: Serb Language, Literature & Culture on…
Prof. Dr. Dejan Mihailović a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of European Studies
Prof. Dr. Dejan Mihailović from the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Ciudad Mexico will be a visiting researcher at the Institute of European Studies from January to July 2022. On that occasion, he will realize a research project on “Cognitive Capitalism and Geopolitics of Virtual Space”, and in its broader context he will consider the current…
January 8 – Dr. Rajko Petrović Receives St. Stephen’s Plaque
On January 8, 2022, Dr. Rajko Petrović was awarded by the President of the Republic of Srpska with a decoration – the St. Stephen’s Plaque for the success achieved during his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade.
January 21 – Dr. Zlatomir Gajić: “Rock Poet Branimir Džoni Štulić”
On January 21, starting at 12 o’clock, the Institute for European Studies is organizing a book presentation Dr. Zlatomir Gajić (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad) Rok pesnik Branimir Džoni Štulić [Rock Poet Branimir Džoni Štulić] (“Službeni glasnik”, Belgrade) The book is based on a doctoral dissertation and will be presented by the author…
Goran Nikolić, “Svakodnevne ekonomske zablude” [“Everyday Economic Misconceptions”], Arhipelag, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade 2021.
From the Introduction: When we go to school or state university we are in socialism, when we start working we are likely to find ourselves in capitalism. The roads we utilize to travel to work are a reminder of the socialist aspect of our society, as well as the hospitals to which, unfortunately, over time,…
December 30 – Presentation of the Books “Tamni Koridori Moći” i “Mračni Koridori Moći” By Dr. Miša Đurković
On Thursday, December 30, starting at 7 p.m. (CET), at the Gallery of the National Museum in Čačak, an event will be organized Presentation of the Books by Dr. Miša Đurković Tamni Koridori Moći [Dark Corridors of Power] Mračni Koridori Moći [Opaque Corridors of Power] Participants in the program: Dr. Miša Đurković Dr. Vladimir Dimitrijević…
December 24 – Debate: “For and Against the Proposal of the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative and Constitutional Changes”
On December 24, starting at 3 p.m. (CET), the Institute of European Studies and the Institute of Comparative Law are organizing a Debate For and Against the Proposal of the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative and Constitutional Changes Participants: Judge Dragana Boljević, Honorary President of the Association of Judges, working group member Prof. Branislav…
December 20 – Dr. Stevan Gajić at the Round Table of the Byzantine Club in Moscow
Research associate of the Institute of European Studies, Dr. Stevan Gajić, spoke on Monday, December 20, at the round table “Perspectives for the creation of the International Association of Byzantine Heritage Cities” of the Byzantine Club in Moscow. The topic of his presentation was “Byzantine Commonwealth – Center of Power or a Broken Family”. The…
December 15 – Dr. Stevan Gajić at the Izborsk Club Round Table
The research associate of the Institute for European Studies, Dr. Stevan Gajić, spoke on Wednesday, December 15, at the round table “Russian Dream: Civilization of the North” of the Izborsk Club in Moscow. The topic of his presentation was “Perception of Russians in Serbian literature and folklore”.