On Thursday, December 26, 2024, at 12:00 PM, in the ceremonial hall (Nikola Pašić Square 11, fourth floor, Room 136), the Institute for European Studies is organizing an academic conference: DRAGAN KRSTIĆ – THE MAN AND HIS WORKon the occasion of the presentation of the six-volume secret diary“PSYCHOLOGICAL NOTES (1960–1988)” (Balkanija, Novi Sad). Participants: The…
Category: Forum
December 4 – Dr. Ognjen Pribićević – A DIFFERENT WORLD: TRUMP, BREXIT, AND THE WAR IN UKRAINE (Belgrade: Clio, IDN, 2024)
On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 12:00 PM, the Institute of European Studies will host a lecture by: Dr. Ognjen Pribićević on the occasion of the publication of his book: A DIFFERENT WORLD: TRUMP, BREXIT, AND THE WAR IN UKRAINE (Clio, IDN, Belgrade, 2024). Drawing on his academic and diplomatic expertise, Dr. Ognjen Pribićević analyzes in this book…
November 7 – Promotion of the book by Dr. Dušan Dabović – “European legislation on food and agriculture: an overview of the most important regulations in the field of food and agriculture in Europe”
On Thursday, November 7, starting at 12 noon, the Institute for European Studies is organizing the promotion of Dr. Dušan Dabović’s book: “EUROPEAN FOOD AND AGRICULTURE LEGISLATION: AN OVERVIEW OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT REGULATIONS IN THE FIELD OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE IN EUROPE” The book will be discussed by: The author of this book is…
October 21 – Prof. Dr. Ivan Vujačić: “2024 U.S. Presidential Elections – Expectations and Possible Consequences”
On Monday, October 21, 2024, at 12 PM, the Institute of European Studies will organize alecture by Prof. Dr. Ivan Vujačić: 2024 U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS – EXPECTATIONS AND POSSIBLECONSEQUENCES Ivan Vujačić is a full professor at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade and a professor at theFaculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade…
October 10 – Prof. Dr. Sandra Joireman: “Legacy and Lessons of Forced Displacement in Serbia”
The Institute for European Studies is organizing a lecture by Dr. Sandra Joireman on Thursday, October 10, starting at 12:00 p.m.: “Legacy and Lessons of Forced Displacement in Serbia” Prof. Dr. Sandra Joireman holds the Weinstein Chair of International Studies and is aProfessor of Political Science at the University of Richmond (Virginia, USA). Her researchfocuses…
October 3 – Round table about the book: “HYBRID MEDIA AND HYBRID REGIMES: media pluralism and the rise of competitive authoritarianism in contemporary Europe” by Dr. Irina Milutinović
On Thursday, October 3, the Institute for European Studies will host a round table about the book: “HYBRID MEDIA AND HYBRID REGIMES: media pluralism and the rise of competitive authoritarianism in contemporary Europe” by our author Dr. Irina Milutinović. This monograph was published at the end of last year in the co-publishing of the Institute…
September 26 – Aleksandra Joksimović: “The Geopolitical Position of the United Kingdom after Brexit”
On Thursday, September 26, starting at 12 noon, the Institute of European Studies willorganize a lecture byAleksandra Joksimović THE GEOPOLITICAL POSITION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AFTERBREXIT The lecture will be devoted to the current geopolitical position of London, especially after Brexit,as well as in the context of the war in Ukraine and in the Middle…
September 23 – Dr. Ofir Haivry: “Between the Social Contract and the National Agent: the Political Theory of Theodor Herzl and the Jewish State”
The Institute for European Studies and Matica srpska are pleased to announce lectures by Dr. Ofir Haivry, Israeli political philosopher and historian: The role of education in building national identity – the case of Israel” – September 25, Matica srpska, 12.00 (CET) “Between the Social Contract and the National Agent: Theodor Herzl’s Political Theory and…
September 20 – Professor Aristotle Kallis: “A Revolution of Banality? Notes on Fascism’s Appeal?”
The Institute of European Studies and Matica Srpska are pleased to announce the lectures by Aristotle Kallis, a professor at the University of Keele (UK): “Iconic Fascism in Stone: Architecture as Art of Political Utopia” Matica Srpska | Sept 19 | 12:00 (CET) “A Revolution of Banality? Notes on Fascism’s Appeal?” Insitute of European Studies…
September 5 – Vuk Velebit: “Relations between Serbia and the USA – challenges and perspectives”
On Thursday, September 5, 2024, from 12 noon, the Institute for European Studies is organizing a lecture by Vuk Velebit RELATIONS OF SERBIA AND THE USA – CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES Vuk Velebit is a Serbian political scientist. He represents one of the most prominent political analysts of the new generation in Serbia. He is particularly…