Research associate of the Institute for European Studies, Dr. Vladimir Ristanović, will participate in the “International Conference on Innovation in information Technology and Business (ICIITB 2022)”. The topic he is presenting at the conference is “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making on Operational Risk in Banks”. The agenda of the online conference is available on the institution’s website.
Category: News
November 6 – Dušan Ilić at the Forum of the Church of St. Archangel Gabriel in Belgrade
The associate of the Institute for European Studies, MSc Dušan Ilić, will be one of the speakers at the forum organized by the Church of St. Archangel Gabriel in Belgrade and St. Gabriel’s Youth Community entitled “Ecclesiastical and Political in the Growth of Man” on Sunday, November 6, at 6 p.m. (CET) at the parish…
November 5 – Dušan Ilić at the regional Demographic Conference at the Silver Lake
Researcher of the Institute of European Studies, MSc Dušan Ilić, will be one of the participants in the regional demographic conference “Family – the path of salvation and social revival” organized by the Alliance for Life and the Municipality of Veliko Gradište.
October 20 – Dr. Rajko Petrović at the Workshop of the Matthias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest
Research associate of the Institute of European Studies, Dr. Rajko Petrović, participated in the “Political (In)Stability on the Balkans” workshop. He presented in the first panel entitled “Stability and EU integration issues in the Western Balkan region”.
October 28 – Prof. Slobodan Zečević at the Book Fair in Belgrade
Prof. Dr. Slobodan Zečević, researcher of the Institute of European Studies, will be a guest and sign books at the Akademska Knjiga Publishing House stand as part of the Book Fair in Belgrade on October 28 at 6 p.m. (CEST).
Dr. Miša Đurković and Dr. Jovica Pavlović Visiting Australia
Dr. Miša Đurković and Dr. Jovica Pavlović are on a study stay at Macquarie University in Sydney from October 17 to November 7. During the stay they, together with Prof. Aleksandar Pavković, will work on the problems of contemporary political theory, with an emphasis on issues of secession. In addition to research work, the following…
October 14 – Contemporary Challenges in International Relations. From the Ukrainian to the Iranian Crisis
On Friday, October 14, starting at 7:00 p.m. (CEST), the researchers of the Institute of European Studies will hold a scholarly meeting in the Ceremonial Hall of the Gymnasium in Smederevo, where the Institute itself, its works and publications will be presented. In addition to that, a round table entitled “Contemporary Challenges in international relations….
October 6 – A Lecture by Dr. Ali Bagheri Kani
On Thursday, October 6, a closed lecture was held by Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister and Iran’s chief nuclear deal negotiator, Ali Bagheri Khani.
7-10. October – Dr. Miša Đurković visits Blankenheim
Dr. Miša Đurković is located in Germany, in Blankenheim, near Cologne. On October 7, he participated in a seminar dedicated to the 80 years of the life of Professor Wolf Dietrich Stroll, anthropologist, ethnologist and botanist.
October 3 – Juan Radonjic Visits the IES
On October 3, 2022, Mr. Juan Radonjić visited the panel of the Institute of European Studies. On that occasion, he discussed the life and residence of his ancestor, Milan Stojadinović, with colleagues from the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, the Institute for Recent History of Serbia, The Institute for Byzantine Studies SASA and the Institute…