On June 25, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (CEST), a talk about the book by prof. Dr. Stevan Gajić Od roba do građanina – Borba Afroamerikanaca za priznanje čovečnosti [From A Slave to A Citizen – The Struggle of African Americans for Recognition of Their Humanity] will be held at the Afro Festival of…
Category: News
June 28 – Paul Julian Weindling: “Victims of Nazi Coerced Research: Identification and Compensation of Serbian/Yugoslav Victims”
UPDATE: Prof. Weindling will hold different lectures than initially announced. The schedule below has been updated. The Institute of European Studies is pleased to announce the visit of a professor of the Oxford Brooks University Paul Julian Weindling During his visit to Serbia, Prof. Weindling will give the following lectures Victims of Nazi Coerced Research:…
June 6 – Dr. Rajko Petrović A Member of the Youth Board of Matica Srpska
At yesterday’s session of the Management Board of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad, the Youth Board of the Matica was formed, composed of prominent young scientists. Dr. Rajko Petrović, research associate of the IES, was elected to this body.
June 15 – Scholarly Conference: “Pristajem na Sve – A History of the Music Group Južni Vetar”
On Wednesday, June 15, starting at 10:00 a.m. (CEST), the Institute of European Studies is organizing an event at its forum: Scholarly Conference Pristajem na Sve- A History of the music group South Wind The audience can follow the conference live or via the Zoom platform, at the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81124056376?pwd=bmZwODlDQXhrWTFldVYxS1BqaWNzQT09 Programme (in Serbian):
June 3-4 – International Conference : “Religion and Social Processes in Southeast Europe”
The European Research Institute for Strategic Studies (ERISS), the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad and the Institute of European Studies invite You to an event: International Conference Religion and Social Processes in Southeast Europe The conference will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 3 and 4, in the hall of the Rectory…
May 23 – Prof. Stevan Gajić at the Conference of the Belgorod State University
Dr. Stevan Gajić, Research Associate of the Institute of European Studies, participated in the conference “Borders of a New Reality” with his presentation. The scholarly conference was organized by the Belgorod State University from Russia.
May 20 – Dr. Dr. Goran Nikolić at the Round Table of the Institute of Social Sciences
On May 20, Dr. Goran Nikolić, Principal Research Fellow of the Institute of European Studies, participated in the round table “Transition, Institutions and Economic Development of Serbia” of the Institute of Social Sciences.
May 22 – Petar Ćurčić Member of the Commission of the National History Competition
Petar Ćurčić, a doctoral student and a research trainee at the Institute of European Studies, will be one of the members of the commission of the national competition of secondary schools organized by the Regional Center for Talents “Mihajlo Pupin” from Pančevo in the field of history.
June 2 – Lecturer Dragana Grbić: “The Role of Prominent Intellectuals of the Age of Enlightenment in Cultural Transfer between Europe and Serbia”
On Thursday, June 2, starting at 12 o’clock (CEST), the Institute for European Studies is organizing a lecture: Lecturer Dragana Grbić The Role of Prominent Intellectuals of the Age of Enlightenment in Cultural Transfer between Europe and Serbia Dragana Grbić is a lecturer at the Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Cologne. The central subject…
May 14-27 – Dr. Miša Đurković in Argentina
The director of the Institute, Dr. Miša Đurković, is on a working visit to Argentina from May 14 to 27 this year. He will first stay in Cordoba, where he will give two lectures: Rol de las ideologias en la politica EuropeаMay 16 9:00 a.m. | Department of Theory of International Relations, University Siglo 21…