During 2022, the Institute of European Studies (IES) from Belgrade and the Faculty of Law of the Josip Juraj J. Strossmayer University of Osijek (PRAVOS), with the support of the Foundation Hanns Seidel, are carrying out the international scientific project entitled “Environmental Legislation and Sustainable Development – the State of Play in Serbia and Experiences…
Category: News
April 6 – Dr. Milan Igrutinović and Petar Ćurčić at the conference “Neutrality and Deterrence”
Dr. Milan Igrutinović and Petar Ćurčić, associates of the Institute of European Studies, participated in the conference “Neutrality and Deterrence” on April 6 at the University of Defense in Belgrade. On that occasion, they held two lectures: Dr. Milan Igrutinović presented on the topic “EU in the Multipolar World and Strategic Options of Serbia”, while…
April 8 – Conference “Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia: Methodological Issues and Challenges”
The conference entitled “Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia: Methodological Issues and Challenges” will be held on Friday, April 8, in Hall 3 of the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade. The program is attached below. The conference is held in a hybrid form in English and can be followed by zooming: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87420529834 The conference is part of…
April 5 – Denis Denisov Visits the Institute
On April 5, 2022, the IES was visited by Russian political scientist and journalist Denis Denisov, with whom the IES and the IIPE scholars and researchers spent two hours of detailed debate analyzing the current political situation in Ukraine and historical, current and possible future relations between Russians and Ukrainians, Russia and Ukraine.
April 1 – Lecture by Dr. Uroš Ćemalović at the Institute of International Politics and Economics
On invitation from the Institute of International Politics and Economics, our colleague Dr. Uroš Ćemalović has given a lecture on the newly adopted European Union’s Strategic Compass for Security and Defence.
April 8 – Prof. Max Otte: “The Collapse of the World System and What Next
Prof. Dr. Max Otte, a well-known German economist, public figure and co-president of the Spengler Society, is visiting the Institute of European Studies. As part of the visit, he will hold two lectures: On April 6 at 12:00 PM (CEST), the premises of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad: Die Geburt einer neuen Weltordnung: was uns…
March 31 – Presentation of the Publications of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
On Thursday, March 31, starting at 12 o’clock (CEST), the Institute of European Studies is organizing an event: Presentation of the Publications of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Participants: Prof. Dragana AntonijevićThe Etnoantropološki problemi [Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology] journal Prof. Bojan ŽikićThe Antropologija [Anthropology] journal Prof. Ivan…
March 23 – Prof. Dejan Mihailović: “Latin America and the Current Geopolitical Constellation in the Contemporary World”
The Institute of European Studies and the Institute for International Politics and Economics invite You to a lecture on March 23, starting at 11 a.m. (CET). Prof. Dejan Mihailović Latin America and the Current Geopolitical Constellation in the Contemporary World Prof. Dr. Dejan Mihailović has been a professor at the Monterey University of Technology in…
March 16 – Prof. Eduard A. Popov: “The Conflict in Ukraine: Geopolitical Context and Historical Conjectures”
The Institute of European Studies and the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Belgrade invite You to a lecture beginning on March 16 at 12 o’clock (CET): Prof. Eduard A Popov The Conflict in Ukraine: Geopolitical Context and Historical Conjectures Prof. Eduard A. Popov is one of the leading Russian experts on Ukraine, a…
March 17 – Promotion of the Book “Od roba do građanina – Borba Afroamerikanaca za priznanje čovečnosti” [“From Slave to Citizen – The Struggle of African Americans for the Recognition of Their Humanity”] by Prof. Stevan Gajić
The Institute of European Studies and the Catena Mundi Publishing House invite you to a book promotion on March 17 at 12 o’clock (CET) Prof. Stevan Gajić “Od roba do građanina – Borba Afroamerikanaca za priznanje čovečnosti” [“From Slave to Citizen – The Struggle of African Americans for the Recognition of Their Humanity”] Speakers at…