On January 21, starting at 12 o’clock, the Institute for European Studies is organizing a book presentation Dr. Zlatomir Gajić (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad) Rok pesnik Branimir Džoni Štulić [Rock Poet Branimir Džoni Štulić] (“Službeni glasnik”, Belgrade) The book is based on a doctoral dissertation and will be presented by the author…
Category: News
December 30 – Presentation of the Books “Tamni Koridori Moći” i “Mračni Koridori Moći” By Dr. Miša Đurković
On Thursday, December 30, starting at 7 p.m. (CET), at the Gallery of the National Museum in Čačak, an event will be organized Presentation of the Books by Dr. Miša Đurković Tamni Koridori Moći [Dark Corridors of Power] Mračni Koridori Moći [Opaque Corridors of Power] Participants in the program: Dr. Miša Đurković Dr. Vladimir Dimitrijević…
December 24 – Debate: “For and Against the Proposal of the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative and Constitutional Changes”
On December 24, starting at 3 p.m. (CET), the Institute of European Studies and the Institute of Comparative Law are organizing a Debate For and Against the Proposal of the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative and Constitutional Changes Participants: Judge Dragana Boljević, Honorary President of the Association of Judges, working group member Prof. Branislav…
December 20 – Dr. Stevan Gajić at the Round Table of the Byzantine Club in Moscow
Research associate of the Institute of European Studies, Dr. Stevan Gajić, spoke on Monday, December 20, at the round table “Perspectives for the creation of the International Association of Byzantine Heritage Cities” of the Byzantine Club in Moscow. The topic of his presentation was “Byzantine Commonwealth – Center of Power or a Broken Family”. The…
December 15 – Dr. Stevan Gajić at the Izborsk Club Round Table
The research associate of the Institute for European Studies, Dr. Stevan Gajić, spoke on Wednesday, December 15, at the round table “Russian Dream: Civilization of the North” of the Izborsk Club in Moscow. The topic of his presentation was “Perception of Russians in Serbian literature and folklore”.
December 15 – Dr. Rajko Petrović at the scholarly conference “Kosovo and Metohija – Security Challenges and / or Perspectives of the Republic of Serbia”
Dr. Rajko Petrović participated on December 15 at the scientific conference Kosovo and Metohija – Security Challenges and/or Perspectives of the Republic of Serbia organized by the University of Defense – Institute for Strategic Research, where he presented a research paper entitled “Nasilna borba za nezavisnost: baskijsko-kosovske paralele” [“Violent Struggle for Independence: Basque-Kosovo Parallels”].
December 3-6 – Dr. Miša Đurković in Montenegro
Director of the Institute of European Studies Dr. Miša Đurković is going to Montenegro from Friday, December 3 to Monday, December 6, at the invitation of Metropolitan Ioannicius and together with Prof. Dr. Srđa Trifković. The very intensive program includes meetings with the rector of the university in Podgorica, political representatives of the Serbian people,…
November 28 – Dr. Stevan Gajić on a study visit to Moscow
Since November 28, 2021, Dr. Stevan Gajić, a research associate at the Institute for European Studies, has been on a study visit at the Department of Comparative Politics at the Faculty of Administration and Politics of the Moscow State University for International Relations (MGIMO). Gajić, as a professor by invitation, gives lectures in English on…
December 9 – Forum “Status of Serbs in Vukovar: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”
On the occasion of the World Human Rights Day, the Institute of European Studies is organizing on December 9, starting at 12 o’clock (CET) a Forum Status of Serbs in Vukovar: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Speakers: Dragan Crnogorac Ljubomir Mikić From the Alliance of Serbian Associations of Croatia. The forum will be held in a hybrid…
December 1 – Petar Ćurčić at the “Contexts 2021”
A junior researcher at the Institute for European Studies, Petar Ćurčić, will give a lecture at the Sixth International Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Scholars in the Social Sciences and Humanities “Contexts 2021” on December 1. Together with Sofia Skuban, he will give a lecture on “Totalitarianism in Harold Pinter’s Early Dramas: Literary and Socio-Theoretical Aspects”…