On Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 11 AM the Institute of European Studies is organizing a round table MONTENEGRO BETWEEN ITS SERBIAN HERITAGE AND NATO’S GEOPOLITICAL PROJECT On the occasion of Aleksandar Raković’s new book, Montenegrin Separatism (Catena Mundi, Belgrade 2019) and due to the ongoing events. Participants: Academician Ljubodrag Dimić Prof. Bogoljub Šijaković Prof….
Category: News
June 4 – Webinar: International Relations in the Age of Corona
On Thursday 4 June 2020 at 15h the Institute is organizing a new webinar, on INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE AGE OF CORONA Topics and speakers: – Multilateral Organizations in a Time of Crisis ROBERTO MONTELLA, Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly – The Position of the United States of America BILJANA JOVIĆ,…
May 19 – webinar EU – Western Balkans Summit and the Question of Enlargement
The Institute of European Studies and the Hanns Seidel Stiftung are organizing a webinar on 19 May 2020 at 11h EU – Western Balkans Summit and the Question of Enlargement Introductory greeting – Dr Klaus Fiesinger, Director of the Hanns Seidel Stiftung SEE Regional Office – ЕU and the Enlargement Policy, a View from…
Cooperation Projects with the Serbian diaspora
Last week, the final confirmation arrived that both projects of cooperation with scholars from Serbian diaspora submitted by the IES were accepted. Congratulations to colleagues. Colleague Gordana Đerić will cooperate with the University of Bergen in Norway with the project Spatial Metaphors in Discourse Analysis. Colleagues Jovica Pavlović and Miša Đurković will cooperate with Macquarie…
May 8 – Dunja Duić – The Changing Europe – The Public Health Crisis and the EU
The Institute of European Studies is organizing a new online lecture. Dunja Duić, PhD, LLM will speak about The Changing Europe – The Public Health Crisis and the EU After 2020 nothing will be the same, we hear every day in the media. Two states are presiding the Council of the European Union in 2020:…
April 29 – Occultism and Esotericism in Interwar Belgrade
On Wednesday, April 29, an online lecture shall be he held by Nemanja Radulović, PhD: Occultism and Esotericism in Interwar Belgrade Nemanja Radulović, PhD, is a professor on the Department of Serbian Literature and South Slavic Literatures of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade. The lecture shall begin at 12 PM and…
April 16 – IES Online: Relationship Between the Public Interest and Individual Freedom – A Legal Instrumentarium in Crisis Situations
IES is online! We are launching online lectures. On Thursday, April 16, starting at 13:00 a lecture shall be held by Uroš Ćemalović, PhD: Relationship Between the Public Interest and Individual Freedom – A Legal Instrumentarium in Crisis Situations Uroš Ćemalović, PhD, is a Research Associate of the IES. He’s the autor of the monograph Intellectual Property…
A Meeting with the New Ambassador of Iran
On Tuesday, March 10th, Mr. Miša Đurković (PhD) had a meeting with the new ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Rashid Hassanpour, in his residence. During the meeting Mr. Đurković informed Mr. Hassanpour on his trip to Iran, and Mr. Hassanpour expressed his gratitude to Mr. Đurković for his impartial presentation of current…
March 13 – Diego de Pablos – Mexico and Telenovelas
Within our March round of lectures on topic of popular culture and culture wars, the Institute of European Studies is organizing a lecture by Diego de Pablos Mexico and Telenovelas (in English without translation) Diego de Pablos is a researcher from Mexico and the last several months he has spent as an intern at our…
March 9 – A Serbian Village in TV Shows
Dear Madam/Sir, On Monday, March 9, a presentation shall be held by Saša Radojević A Serbian Village in TV Shows The presentation shall be held in the Congress Room of the IES (11 Trg Nikole Pašića St, 4th Floor, room no. 136). Saša Radojević is a renown film critic, screenwriter, director, writer and producer. In…