Institute of European Studies, Matica srpska and Clio Publishing with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation invite you to a round table What Will Happen with the European Union? The event is organized in light of publishing of Wolfgang Schmale’s book What Will Happen with the European Union? History and Future Participants: Dr Miša…
Category: News
December 3 – Wolfgang Schmale: European Union and the Future of the Balkans Countries
Institute of European Studies, Matica srpska and Clio Publishing invite you to a lecture by Wolfgang Schmale European Union and the Future of the Balkans Countries Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 19h at Matica srpska, Novi Sad.
November 28-29 – IES and Hanns Seidel Stiftung Program on Quadrilateral Cooperation
The Institute of European Studies and the Hanns Seidel Stiftung are organizing a two-day program on relations of Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania in the context of European integration. Day 1 – 28 November 2019 at 10h at IES Hall (Trg Nikole Pašića 11, IV/136) we are organizing a conference Serbia’s Security Cooperation with…
November 15 – a medal for Dr Uroš Ćemalović
Uroš Ćemalović, Ph.D., Research Associate of the Institute of European Studies, was awarded with the World Intellectual Property Organisation’s Medal for Creativity, for his monograph Intellectual Property Law and Digital Transformation – Some Current Issues, published by the IES. The award will be conferred on November 15, 2019 in Belgrade, at the occasion of the…
November 21 – A lecture by Mario Reljanović on workers’ rights in contemporary social conditions
Dear guests, On Thursday 21 November 2019 at 12h the Institute of European Studies is organizing a lecture by Dr Mario Reljanović Chalelnges in Preserving Workers’ Rights in Contemporary Social Conditions (with special focus on Serbia) Dr Mario Reljanović is a legal scholar, Research Associate at he Institute of Comparative Law, and he deals with…
November 7 – promotion of the book “Miroslav Prokopijević: The Face of Freedom”
On Thursday 7 November 2019 at 13h at Media Center Belgrade we will present a book dedicated to our recently deceased colleague Miroslav Prokopijević Miroslav Prokopijević: The Face of Freedom Publishers are Toplica Center for Democracy and Human Rights and the Institute of European Studies.
October 21 – Seminar on Umberto Galimberti’s book “Myths of Our Times”
Institute of European Studies and Zoran Stojanović’s Publishing House are organizing a seminar on a book by Umberto Galimberti Myths of Our Times [I miti del nostro tempo] Umberto Galimberti (Monza, 1942), renown Italian philosopher, sociologist and psychoanalyst. From 1976 he was a professor at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy in Venice. His thought…
October 12 – Freemasonry in South-East Europe from the 19th to the 21st Centuries
The Institute of European Studies is organizing a scientific conference Freemasonry in South-East Europe from the 19th to the 21st Centuries for a centenary of the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes “Yugoslavia”. In June 1919, the Grand Lodge of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes “Yugoslavia” was established. Th e year of…
October 1-4 – Days of Bioethics
Institute of European studies, with the support by Heinrich Böll Stiftung is organizing an event Days of bioethics On Tuesday, 1 October 2019 at 13h at the Institute library (Trg Nikole Pasica 11, III Floor, Room 105) Gordana Kovacek Stanic is giving a lecture Surrogate Motherhood in Contemporary European Law On 2-4 October…
September 20 – a lecture by H.E. the Ambassador of Ukraine
Institute of European Studies begins its new season of public events on Friday, September 20 with a lecture by His Excellency the Ambassador of Ukraine Oleksandr Alexandrovych Situation In and Around Ukraine The lecture will begin at 11AM at the hall of the Institute, Trg Nikole Pasica 11, IV floor, room 136.