Dear guests, Dr Misa Djurkovic, Principal Research Fellow at our institute, will give a lecture Christian Basis for the Universal Declaration on Human Rights to mark the 70th anniversary of adoption of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The lecture will take place at the Minor Hall of the Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, on…
Category: News
December 5 – A Possible Europe and the Years Before Us
Dear guests, The Institute of European Studies organizes a debate on Dr Duško Lopandić’s book A Possible Europe and the Years Before Us Participants: Ambassador Igor Davidović Dr Dragoljub Todić, Principal Research Fellow, IMPP Milena Lazarević, Programme Director, CEP Dr Neven Cvetićanin, Senior Research Associate, IDN Dr Milan Igrutinović, Research Assistant, IES and the author….
November 30 – “Tell Me a Story of Serbia and European Union” book promotion
Dear guests, We invite you to a promotion of the book of our colleague Dr. Slobodan Zečević “Tell Me a Story of Serbia and European Union“, co-published by our Institute and Academic Book. The promotion will be held on Friday, 30 November 2018 at 19h at the atrium of the National Library of Serbia. …
November 21 – a lecture by Aleksandar Pavkovic “EU’s Foreign Policy and the Kosovo Issue”
Dear guests, The Institut is organizing a lecture by Dr. Aleksandar Pavkovic, professor at the Macquarie University in Sydney European Union’s Foreign Policy and the Kosovo Issue The lecture will be held on 21 November 2018 at 12 at the Institute library, Trg Nikole Pasica 11, III floor, room 105. Welcome!
November 14-16 – A three-day event by IES and Hanns Seidel Stiftung
A Three-Day Event by Institute of European Studies and Hanns Seidel Stiftung DAY 1, November 14, 12h Lecture Dr. Mikhail Delyagin – Liberalism in Contemporary Russia (in Russian, consecutive translation to Serbian) IES Library, Nikola Pasic Square, III floor, room 105. DAY 2, November 15 Conference Sanctions EU – Russia: Outcomes, Consequences, Predictions Belgrade, Hotel…
October 25-26 – guest lectures by Dr Philip Cunliffe
Dear guests, Senior Lecturer in International Conflict at the University of Kent, Dr Philip Cunliffe, will be a guest in Serbia at the invitation of the Institute of European Studies, and will give two public lectures. After the EU: From Brexit to the Balkans – October 25 at 12:00 at the hall of the…
October 9 – The Role of Humanitarian Cooperation in the Euroasian Integration Processes
With the delegation of the Assembly of Eurasian Nations, the Institute is organising a round table on The Role of Humanitarian Cooperation in the Euroasian Integration Processes with participation of the delegates and IES researchers. The round table will be held on October 9 at 16h at the Hall of the Institute, Trg Nikole…
October 3 – An evening on rock ‘n’ roll: The Sound and the Community
Dear guests, A debate on Dr. Aleksandar Gajić‘s book The Sound and the Community: Rock Music and Destiny of the West will be held on Wednesday, October 3 at 19h at SKC Belgrade, at the corner of Resavska and Kralja Milana. The speakers: – Dr. Aleksandar Raković, senior research associate at the Institute of Recent…
October 3 – Georgios Koumoutsakos’ lecture on Greece’s foreign policy
Dear guests, Institute of European Studies and European Movement in Serbia invite you to a lecture by Georgios Koumoutsakos Greece’s geopolitical value for the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean. The importance of the Greek- Serbian relations Mr Koumoutsakos is the New Democracy Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs. English language will be the working language of the…
September 24 – Facebook, Data Protection, and Judicial Practice
Dear guests, The Institute for European Studies invites you to a promotion of the book Facebook, Data Protection, and Judicial Practice by Dragan Prlja and Andrej Diligenski The Institute for Comparative Law has in 2018 published a book Facebook, Data Protection, and Judicial Practice, by authors Dragan Prlja and Andrej Diligenski. The book…