Institute of European Studies is inviting you to Dr Oleg Bondarenko‘s lectures that will take place during his visit to Belgrade. Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 19:00 together with SKK Despot Stefan Lazarevic and Forum Romanum, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade Russia and the Balkans at times of the new…
Category: News
February 28 – Orthodoxy and Bioethics
Dear guests, The IES Group on Bioethics invites you to a lecture by Dr. Zoran Devrnja Orhodoxy and Bioethics (with a special look at the treatment of bioethics themes at the Crete synod) Dr. Devrnja is a docent at the Department of Canonical Law at the Faculty of Theology of University of Belgrade. His…
February 26 – What is the future of the Western economy in the multipolar world?
Dear guests, The Institute is organising a lecture by Boris Borozan What is the future of the Western economy in the multipolar world? Boris Borozan is a financial consultant. He heads the Sovereign Global Advisors (New York) that consults central banks, pension funds and other large financial institutions around the world. The lecture…
February 20 – Migrant Crisis and the Threat of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism in Serbia
Dear Guests, The Institute is organising a lecture by Tijana Rečević, MS Migrant Crisis and the Threat of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism in Serbia – (Un)Avoidable Mutual Radicalisation? Tijana Rečević is a PhD student at the Faculty of Political Sciences. She has finished her master studies at the same Faculty and at the London…
January 29-30 – Noel O’Sullivan in Belgrade
Dear guests, Dr Noel O’Sullivan is a Research Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Hull and one of the most prominent contemporary scholars in political theory. He will be the guest of the Institute of European Studies. During the visit he will hold the seminar at IES on January 29 at 10.00 The…
January 26 – Council of Europe: activities in bioethics
Dear guests, The Group on Bioethics of our Institute is inviting you to a lecture by Prof. Dr. Zvonko Magić Council of Europe: activities in bioethics Prof. Magić is a doyen of bioethics research, co-president of the National Bioethics Committee, professor and director at VMA, member of the DH-BIO of the Council of Europe. …
December 25 – a lecture by Dr Uroš Ćemalović
Dear guests, The Group on bioethics of our Institute is organizing a lecture by Dr Uroš Ćemalović on the International Protection of New Plant Species – UPOV Convention and Other Legal Mechanisms Dr Ćemalović has acquired his PhD at the Université de Strasbourg, and he is an expert in intellectual property rights. The…
December 14 – a lecture on the Joint Criminal Enterprise concept
Dear guests, The Institute is organizing a lecture The Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Context of Mladić and Praljak et al. ICTY verdicts by Dr. Goran Đorđević Dr. Đorđević is a criminal attorney from Niš, with a PhD from a Faculty of Law in Niš on a thesis about the responsibility in the international criminal…
December 6-8 – Stephen Baskerville’s visit to Serbia
Institute of European Studies, Catena Mundi and Centre For Life are organizing a visit of Stephen Baskerville to Serbia Wednesday, December 6, 18:00 A lecture Gender equality and creation of social problems Belgrade, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Terazije 23, 8th floor – lecture will be in English, with a consecutive translation to Serbian Thursday, December…
November 27 – a lecture on transhumanism
Dear guests, The Group for Biethics within the Institute is organizing a second debate in its contemporary boethics issues lecture cycle Transhumanism: The Human after Human The lecture will be given by Dr. Bojan Jovanović, with a PhD in European studies theory from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. He will present his…