IES and the Serbian Society of Hispanists under the auspices of Latin America and the Challenges of the Modern World summer school ( have the honor to invite you to A round table Politics and Geopolitics of Latin America Speakers: – Horacio Cerutti-Guldberg, professor at UNAM, Mexico – Carlos Juárez Centeno, associate professor at the…
Category: News
July 21-24 – a guest visit by Marc Jongen
Between July 21 and 24 IES will welcome Dr Marc Jongen, a renown German philosopher. Dr Jongen is a poltiical scientist, former assistant and associate of Peter Sloterdijk and a high functioner of the Alternative fur Deutschland for party ideology. On Friday 21 July at 19 he will give a lecture Die Ideologisierung der…
June 19 – a lecture on “USA – Russia Relations: problem, prognosis”
Dear guests, Institute of European Studies invites you to a lecture USA – Russia Relations: problem, prognosis by Prof. Dr Peter Eltsov of College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University Lecture will be held under Chatham House rules and will be held on Monday, 19 June 2017 at 12:00 at the Hall of…
June 12 – “Conservativism and the Modern World” – a lecture by Miša Đurković
June 5-6 – a visit by Dr Fabio Indeo
Dear guests, From June 5 to 6 Italian expert on geopolitics and energy security Dr Fabio Indeo will be IES guest. On Monday June 5 at 12:00 in the Hall of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Resavska 15, with the Energy Board of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and NIN weekly we are…
May 31 – scientific conference “Economic Problems of the European Union”
Institue of European Studies is organizing a scientific conference on Economic Problems of the European Union 31 May 2017 9:30-14:30 Trg Nikole Pašića 11, 4th Floor, Room 136. Full program (in Serbian) can be downloaded here
May 3-4 – Andrey Fursov and Yelena Ponomaryova are our guests in Belgrade
Institute of European Studies has the honor to invite you to three events organized during two prominent Rusiian scientists’ visit to Belgrade – Wednesday, May 3, at 10:00 Andrey Fursov will hold a seminar on Cryptohistory with promotion of his three-volume work De Conspiratione, De Aenigmate, De Secreto. The seminar will take place at…
April 28 – “Eastern Europe between Brussels, Washington and Moscow” – a lecture by Hannes Hofbauer
The Institute for European Studies and Albatros Plus invite you to a lecture Eastern Europe between Brussels, Washington and Moscow by Hannes Hofbauer Hannes Hofbauer is a renown Austrian economic historian, journalist and publisher, whose books have been translated into Serbian, among other languages. He came to Belgrade via Albatros Plus publishing house to…
April 27 – promotion of a book “History of Football Competition”
The Institute for European Studies invites you to a promotion of a book by Dragoljub P. Antić History of Football Competition Ganeša klub, 2014, 836 pp. The author will speak about the book. The book encompases data on football championships, teams, statistics. The reade can find data on the league resulst in…
April 20 – debate on parliamentary elections in Netherlands
Dear guests, we are inviting you to a fifth debate organized by IES and NIN, on Parliamentary elections in the Netherlands within our joint Election Year project, supported by Open Society Fund in Serbia. Speakers: – Dr Melvin Schut, Amsterdam University College – Pieter van Os, journalist for NRC Handelsblad, Amsterdam –…