Within an Election Year joint project of the Institute of European Studies and the NIN weekly, we are organizing a debate on The Presidential Elections in Bulgaria Speakers: – Dr Kaloyan Metodiev, assistant professor at the Neofit Rilsk University, Blagoevgrad – Vladimir Todic, PhD canidate at the Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade – Dr Stevan Gajic,…
Category: News
A Visit by Professor Jim Seroka
Jim Seroka, professor at the Auburn University, will come to Belgrade on October 10. Professor Seroka will spend a month at our institute for research, and he will give a lecture during his stay.
October 7 – a lecture by Jovan Babić, PhD: Territory and Sovereignty: Ethics of Space
Dear guests, The Institute of European Studies invites you to a lecture by Jovan Babić PhD, on Territory and Sovereignty: Ethics of Space The lecture will be held on Friday, 7 October 2016 at 12:00, in the small hall of the Institute, Trg Nikole Pasica 11, 3rd Floor, Room 105. Welcome! You can view…
September 16 – a presentation by Luca Volonte on the Global Index on Family
16.09.2016. Dear guests, On Friday September 16th the IES and Center for the Protection of Family will organise the presentation by Luca Volonte (Novae Terrae Foundation, World Family Congress), on The Independent Global Index on Family Luca Volonte was a head of the EPP faction at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and…
The State of Serbian Cyrillic Script in Serbian State and Culture
13.09.2016. Dear guests, The Institute of European Studies invites you to a lecture by Sinia Stefanaovi?, PhD, on The State of Serbian Cyrillic Script in Serbian State and Culture The lecture will be held on Tuesday, 13 September 2016 at 12:00, in the small hall of the Institute, Trg Nikole Pasica 11, 3rd Floor, Room…
July 28 – Debate on Current Events in Turkey
28.07.2016. Dear guests, The Institute of European Studies invites you to a round table on the Current Events in Turkey Introductory speech will be given by His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Mehmet Kemal Bozay. Other speakers: Dr Slobodan Janković, Institute for International Politics and Economy; Mr Vladimir Ajzenhamer, Faculty of…
July 6 – Contemporary Processes in Latin America and their Geopolitical Background
06.07.2016. Dear guests, The Institute of European Studies invites you to a lecture by Dr Dejan Mihailović on the Contemporary Processes in Latin America and their Geopolitical Background Dr Mihailović is a professor at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. The lecture will be held on Wednesday, July 6 2016 at 12:00, in the hall of the…
George Soros – Open Society as an Idea, Ideology and Political Practice
16.06.2016. Dear guests, The Institute of European Studies invites you to a lecture by Dr Aleksandar Savanović about George Soros – Open Society as an Idea, Ideology and Political Practice Dr Savanović will present his new book which is a first attempt of holistic analysis of role of George Soros and his Open Society Foundations…
Characteristics and Implications od the New Military Reform and Modernization of the People’s Liberation Army of China
27.05.2016. Dear guests, The Institute of European Studies invites you to a lecture by Jovan Čavoški, PhD (Institute of Recent Serbian History) on Characteristics and Implications of the New Military Reform and Military Modernization of The People’s Liberation Army of China At the end of last year the first comprehensive reform of Chinese military has…