On Friday 30 June 2023, Dr Irina Milutinović, Senior Research Associate at the Institute of European Studies, will participate in the final conference of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom (CMPF) at the European University Institute, Florence, that is dedicated to published annual reports of the “Media Pluralism Monitor” project. Key findings of the…
Category: News
June 25-27 – Prof. Stevan Gajić at the “Most”: Serbian-Russian Diplomatic Forum
Prof. Dr. Stevan Gajić participated between June 25 and 27 at the “Most”: Serbian-Russian Diplomatic Forum Most. He participated in a panel discussion on the topic “Contemporary Russian-Serbian Relations: Political Challenges and Economic Perspectives”. The event agenda is available below.
June 22 – Dr Rajko Petrović is participating in the workshop with Ludovika National University of Public Administration (Budapest)
On Thursday 22 June 2023 Dr Rajko Petrović will participate in the workshop “Possibilities of Joint Approach of Serbia and Hungary in Latin America: How to Use the Potentials of the Danube Region and the Open Balkan Initiative?”, organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, and the Ludovika National University of Public Administration, Budapest.
June 21-23 – Petar Milutinović at a Conference in Morocco
Our young colleague Petar Milutinović is participating in the international annual scholarly conference “Ifrane 2023 Al Akhawayn – ISA Joint International Conference – Africa, The Middle East and the Maghreb: Society, The State, and Solidarities” in the period from June 21 to 23 in Ifrane, Kingdom of Morocco. Colleague Milutinović will give a presentation on…
June 17 – Dr. Dušan Ilić Participant of the Round Table “Consequences of the Adoption of the Law on Gender Equality” in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
On Saturday, June 17, 2023, research associate of the Institute of European Studies, Dr. Dušan Ilić, will be a participant in the round table on the topic “Consequences of the Adoption of the Law on Gender Equality”, organized by the parliamentary group Serbian Movement Dveri – Patriotic Block, in the building of the National of…
June 17-18 – Symposium “Latin America and the Balkans: Approaches and Similarities”
The Institute of European Studies will be one of the organizers of the symposium “Latin America and the Balkans: Approaches and Similarities” (América Latina y Los Balcanes: Aproximaciones y Similitudes), which will be held on June 17 and 18 at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad. On the first day of…
5-24. June – Research stay of Petar S. Ćurčić in FR Germany
Our colleague Petar S. Ćurčić, Research Trainee, is on a research stay in FR Germany (from June 5 to June 24, 2023), where he is conducting research in several archival and library institutions in Duisburg and Berlin for his doctoral dissertation, “Werner Sombart – Historian of Capitalism”.
May 21-23 – Srboljub Peović at a Western Balkans Senior Official Meeting on Migration Management in North Macedonia
Srboljub Peović, Research Assistant, participated in the Senior Official Meeting on strengthening migration management in the Western Balkans in tandem with the migration and asylum reform in the European Union. The meeting was held within the framework of the project Reinforcing Migration Management in Western Balkan countries based on the EU Pact on Migration and…
May 8-28 – Dr. Gordana Đerić on a Study Stay in Norway
From May 8 to May 28, 2023, Dr. Gordana Đerić, Principal Research Fellow, is on a study stay in Oslo, Norway, at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Oslo, where in cooperation with Prof. Ljiljana Šarić, to work on the realization of the project activities of the project called “Spatial Metaphors in Discourse…
April 11 – Dr. Aleksandar Gajić Elected as a Board Member of the “Dr. Zoran Đinđić” Fund of the University of Novi Sad
At the session of the Council of the University of Novi Sad held on April 11, 2023. Dr. Aleksandar Gajić, Principal Research Fellow of the Institute of European Studies, was elected as a member of the board of the “Dr. Zoran Đinđić” Fund, which consists of experts with research or university degrees. Aleksandar Gajić was…