A collection of works A Reformer of Mankind. Dimitrije Mitrinovic between Cultural Utopianism and Social Activism, edited by Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich, has been published. The publication was created within the project no. 7747152 Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia from the 19th until the 21st Century – CTES, financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of…
Category: Publications
Valerij Mihajlovič Zemljanov, “Kontraobaveštajni rad. Praktični vodič” [“Counterintelligence Work. A Practical Guide”], Belgrade: Faculty of Security Studies of the University of Belgrade, Institute of European Studies, 2022.
The Institute of European Studies and the Faculty of Security Studies are pleased to present to our public a translation of a very solid Practical Guide to Counterintelligence Work. The manuscript of the Soviet expert Valery Mikhailovich Zemlyanov was published in 2003 in Minsk and emphasizes the corporate practice of counterintelligence protection. But it is…
Rajko Petrović, “Španija: suzbijanje secesionizma” [“Spain: Countering Secessionism”], Belgrade: Catena mundi, Institute of European Studies, 2022.
Dr. Rajko Petrović’s book Španija: suzbijanje secesionizma [Spain: Suppression of Secessionism] (Belgrade: Catena mundi: Institute ofEuropean Studies, 2022, 422 pages) is an extended doctoral dissertation that he defended at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences in 2021. Accordingly, it talks not only about Spain’s struggle against Catalan, Basque and other secessionism and…
Aleksandar Raković, Srpstvo i pravoslavlje. Istorija, vera, politika II [Serbdom and Orthodoxy. History, Religion, Politics II], Belgrade: Institute of European Studies, 2022.
The book by Dr Aleksandar Raković, Serbdom and Orthodoxy consists 57 texts he wrote and published from 2016 to 2022 in the official newspaper of the Serbian Patriarchate Pravoslavlje, the daily newspapers Politika and Večernje novosti, the political magazines Pečat, NIN and Balkan Fokus, on the portal of the Cultural Center of Novi Sad, in…
Sanja Ivić, “Posthuman Ethics: The Priority of Ethical Over Ontological Status”. In: Tumilty, E., Battle-Fisher, M. (eds) Transhumanism: Entering an Era of Bodyhacking and Radical Human Modification. The International Library of Bioethics, vol 100. New York: Springer, 2022.
Dr. Sanja Ivić’s paper “Posthuman Ethics: The Priority of Ethical Over Ontological Status” is published in the edited volume Transhumanism: Entering an Era of Bodyhacking and Radical Human Modification (Springer, 2022). https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-14328-1
Dionisije Dejan Nikolić, “Četiri ogleda o hrišćanskom liberalizmu” [“Four Essays on Christian Liberalism”], Novi Sad – Belgrade, Vojvodina Archives – Institute of European Studies, 2022.
“Four Essays on Christian Liberalism” by Dionisije Dejan Nikolić is not without a certain, not at all accidental (albeit polemical) collusion with the work of (it is to be hoped) the blessedly departed Mr. Isaiah Berlin: “Four Essays on Freedom”. In brief, in the first three essays the author dealt with the three colors of…
Bojan Simić, “Stojadinović u Argentini” [Stojadinović in Argentina], Belgrade: Institute of European Studies – Novi Sad: “Svetozar Miletić” Foundation, 2022.
The publication “Stojadinović in Argentina” is divided into four parts. The first is an introductory study called “Milan Stojadinović in Argentina (1948-1961) – A Contribution to the Biography”, which analyzed all available documents, relevant literature, memoirs, newspaper articles about Stojadinović’s life and work in Argentina. The second part consists of documents from the Argentine archives…
Dr. Momčilo Diklić, “Uloga Političke škole SKJ ‘Josip Broz Tito’ u raspadu Socijalističke Jugoslavije” [“The Role of the ‘Josip Broz Tito’ School of Politics of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia in Kumrovec in the Disintegration of the Socialist Yugoslavia”], Belgrade: Association of the Serbs from Croatia, Institute of European Studies, 2022.
The book The Role of the “Josip Broz Tito” School of Politics of the League of Communists in Kumrovec in the Disintegration of the Socialist Yugoslavia by Dr. Momčilo Diklić (Association of Serbs from Croatia and the Institute od European Studies, 2022) is an unusual and first-hand account of the role of the most important…
Nikolaos G. Koios, “Bioetika. Sinodski prevodi pravoslavnih crkava” [“Bioethics. Synodal Translations of Orthodox Churches”], transl. by Deputy Protopresbyter Dragan Popović, Publishing House of the Diocese of Šumadija “Kalenić”, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade 2022.
With the blessing of The Most Reverend Bishop of Šumadija, Mr. Jovan, a translation of the book “Bioethics. Synodal Translations of Orthodox Churches” by Dr. Nikolaos G. Koios , professor at the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki. This book, which deals with bioethical issues from an Orthodox perspective, is the result of cooperation between the Publishing House of…
Dragan Popović, “Bioetika smrti. Utilitarizam i pravoslavlje” [“Bioethics of Death. Utilitarianism and Orthodoxy”], Institute of European Studies, Publishing House of the Diocese of Šumadija “Kalenić”, Belgrade 2022.
With the blessing of The Most Reverend Bishop of Šumadija, Bishop Jovan, the book “Bioethics of Death. Utilitarianism and Orthodoxy “, Deputy Protopresbyter Dragan Popović, was published in a joint edition of the Institute of European Studies and the Publishing Institution of the Diocese of Šumadija “Kalenić”. The book, created as a result of a…