Vladimir Ristanović, PhD
Senior Research Associate
Work Experience
- 2020 – Institute for European Studies, Research associate (2020-2024) and Senior Research associate (2024-),
- 2015 – 2020 Associate Professor, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, teacher and mentor at OAS and MAS, Head of the Department of Economics and Finance
- 2008 – 2015. Associate Professor, Faculty of International Economics. Megatrend University, teacher and mentor at OAS, MAS, DAS, Vice Dean for II and III Degree Studies and Science, 2013 – 2015 – Director of the Project Management Center
- 2003 – 2008 Independent professional associate, Republic Institute for Development, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Sector for Economic and Development Policies
- Doctor of Economic Sciences, DSc(Econ), Faculty of International Economics, Megatrend University in Belgrade.
- Magistery of Economic Sciences, MSc(Econ), Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade (study programme: foreign trade).
- Graduated in Economics, BSc(Econ), Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade (study programme: general theoretical economics).
- European studies
- International economy and finance
- Applied macroeconomics
- Sustainable development, green economy, and circular economy
- Econometric and mathematical models
He was elected as a scientific associate in 2020. He was elected to the position of senior scientific associate in 2024. Professionally, he deals with economic theory and analyzes the field of economics and finance and higher education. Part of his research and analytical experience comes from the strategic and analytical work of the Government of the Republic of Serbia (Republican Institute for Development, 2003-2007). Participated in economic analysis and drafting of strategic documents for the needs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and was a member of working groups in negotiations with the EU (Enhanced Permanent Dialogue) and WTO (Industrial Goods), as a representative of the Institute (2005-2007). As a civil servant, through the technical rounds of the accession agreement, he acquired numerous certified knowledge of the EU legal acquis (Acquis communautaire). He was engaged in teaching (at all three levels of study), as vice dean for science, II and III level of studies, head of the Center for Project Management since 2008 at the Faculty of International Economics Megatrend University in Belgrade, and since 2015 at Higher School of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, as head of the department, a teacher at OAS and MAS programs. Since 2020, he has been employed at the Institute for European Studies. He is a member of the management board of the Institute.
Since 2012, he has been a member of numerous boards of domestic and foreign magazines. He is registered in the peer review database of the top international scientific journal (M 21) Agricultural Economics CAAS Czech Republic, and a member of the scientific board of Acta Periodica, Hungary, and Revisita Economica, Romania. He is a member of the Review Board of the journal International Politics, Economic Views, Auditor, and International Review, he is also a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Trends in Business and the editorial board of the journal Megatrend Review, and he was also on the Scientific Board of the First International Scientific Conference “Covid-19 and Challenges of the Business World”, Belgrade, March 25th, 2021, Faculty of Finance, Banking, and Auditing, Alfa BK University.
During his teaching career, he was a visiting professor in Erasmus+ programs (University West Timisoara, Romania 2018, and Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, Romania 2019) and a guest lecturer at the University of Technique de Monterey, Mexico in October 2018. He participated in numerous international conferences in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, and Mexico.
He was intensively involved in mentoring work with students. He was a mentor on numerous final theses in the field of economics, finance, economic development, etc. at all three levels of study. Likewise, dozens of times he was a member of the commission for the defense of graduate, master, and doctoral theses. Dr. Vladimir Ristanović’s articles, and those on which he is a co-author, have been cited in a large number of foreign and domestic scientific journals.
Within the framework of higher education, he was accredited as a reviewer in the process of accreditation of higher education institutions in the Republic of Serbia, by the Decision of the National Council for Higher Education, and a Reviewer of the Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Srpska (Educational and Scientific Field: Social and Humanities). He was wholeheartedly engaged in the field of secondary education as an External Associate of the Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Upbringing – 2018/2019 school year, and External Associate of the Institute for the Improvement of Education and Upbringing – Preparation of the concept of teacher training programs for the implementation of teaching aimed at learning outcomes, 2018. As part of the activities at the Institute for the Advancement of Education, he is the author of the program: Contemporary approach to teaching, with the help of case studies in teaching content, in the field of Vocational subjects in secondary vocational education. At the National Academy for Public Administration, he is an accredited program implementer and lecturer in the areas of Investments and Economic Development and Local Self-Government and Economic Development. He is a certified implementer of professional development programs for employees of LGUs (sites: Local economic development and investment attraction, Employment policy, Support for rural development), within the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government.
He is the author and editor of the site www.ekonomskeanalize.com
- (2019): Banking operations, textbook, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade.
- (2017) Monetary economy, textbook, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade.
- (2011) Economy of world regions, textbook, co-authored by prof. Dr. Oskar Kovač, Megatrend University, Belgrade.
- Macroeconomics, unpublished, textbook, co-authored by prof. Dr. Dejan Miljković
Monographs and chapters in monographs
- (2023) The Concept of Global Growth and Development With the New Normal. In book: Sustainable Growth and Global Social Development in Competitive Economies.
- (2023) How Demographic Changes in the World Affect the Economic Performance of Countries, In: Aging Population: From Research to Policy
- (2023) Multi-criteria Decision-Making on Operational Risk in Banks, In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Information Technology and Business
- (2021) The crisis of the world economy at the beginning of the 21st century – Finance, money and society, Institute for International Politics and Economy, Belgrade
Scientific articles in magazines and anthologies
- Are Women Recognized In The Digital Economy? Experiences Of Developed Economies, Studies in Business and Economics, 19(1), 2024: 200-215, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Co-authors: Šostar M. & Hak M.
- The Background of the Unemployment in the Euro Area. Economy of Regions, 19(4), 2023: 1110–1120. https://doi.org/10.17059/ekon.reg.2023-4-12
- An Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Model, Sustainability 15(20), 2023: 15104; Co-author: Šostar M. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152015104
- Ocena profitabilnosti bankarskog sektora u Srbiji, Revizor, 26(102-103), 2023: 71-81, Co-author: Mirković, S. https://doi.org/10.56362/Rev23102071R
- Managerial aspects of using deferred tax assets and liabilities in agricultural companies, Custos Journal, Co-author: Knežević, G. Pavlović, V. (indexed in: Scopus) (У припреми)
- Determinants of SOE’s effective tax rate during the pandemic, Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, Co-author: Knežević, G. Pavlović, V. (indexed in: Scopus) (У припреми)
- Social and Economic Position of Smallholders Farmers in Serbia, co-authors Tošović-Stevanović Aleksandra, Stepien Sebastian, International Review, No. 1-2, 2022. 42-51. DOI: 10.5937/intrev2202049T
- Sustainable Development – Where is Serbia in Fulfilling Agenda 2030 Goals?, Serbian Review of European Studies, 1(1) 2022, pp. 119–152
- Economic overview of the distribution channels used by Eastern European small farms for their agricultural products, Agricultural Economics – Czech, 68 (8), 2022: 299-306 https://doi.org/10.17221/168/2022-AGRICECON
- International Trade Flows of the Balkan States, The Review of International Affairs, Vol. LXXIII, No. 1184, January–April 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18485/iipe_ria.2022.73.1184.1
- Export of Agricultural Products from Serbia to the EU – Panel Gravity Model, Co-author Aleksandra Tošović Stevanović, Economics of Agriculture, Year 69, No. 1, 2022, (pp. 257-268), doi:10.5937/ekoPolj2201257R
- Fear of Commitment: Weak Institutions, Volatile Economy, and the Prevalence of Short-term International Capital, co-author Nikola Tasic, Economic Outlook, Vol. 23, No. 1/2021, pp. 17-34. ISSN 1450-7951. DOI: 10.5937/ekopogl2101017T
- Operational Risk Management Using Multi-Criteria Assessment (AHP Model), Co-authors: Dinko PRIMORAC, Goran KOZINA, Technical Gazette (Print: ISSN 1330-3651, Online: ISSN 1848-6339), Vol. 28/No. 2, (2021), 678-683, https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20200907112351, Impact Factor (2020) : 0.783
- Insurance as a loan agreement for risk management when lending to companies, co-author with Marija Đekić, Trends in Business, 17 (1) 2021, 84-93, ISSN 2334-816X
- Determinants for the viability of small-scale family farms in Serbia: an example of the use of a multi-criteria assessment tool, Co-Authos: TOSOVIC-STEVANOVIC, Aleksandra, LALIC, Goran, ZUZA, Milena, STEPIEN, Sebastian and BORYCHOWSKI, Michal, Studies in Agricultural Economics, Vol 123 Issue 1, 2021, p. 23-32. https://doi.org/10.7896/j.2101 Impact Factor (2020) : 1.2
- Primjena gravitacijskog modela u analizi vanjskotrgovinske razmjene Srbije i zemalja EU-a: Poučci iz iskustva republike Hrvatske, Co-author: Dinko Primorac, i Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović, Ekonomska misao i praksa, DBK. God XXIX. (2020.) br. 2. (579-600), https://doi.org/10.17818/EMIP/2020/2.13, WoS
- Small Farm Business Analysis Using the AHP Model for Efficient Assessment of Distribution Channels, Co-authors Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović; Dragan Ćalović; Goran Lalić; Milena Žuža; Gorica Cvijanović, Sustainability 2020, 12, 10479; https://doi.org/10.3390/su122410479, Impact Factor (2020) SCI: 3.251
- Economic Effects of Sustainable Tourism Development, Co-author: Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović, Tourism in Function of Development of the Republic of Serbia – Tourism and Rural Development, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism, 2020, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia,Thematic proceeding I, ISBN 978-86-89949-47-6, pp. 468-482
- Evaluation of the Economic Criteria for the Survival of Small Farms in Serbia, Co-author: Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović, International Review of Management and Marketing, 2020, 10(4), pp. 78-82, EconJournals, ISSN: 2146-4405, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.10032, Scopus Q3
- Applying Gravity Model to Analyse Trade Direction, Co-authors: Dinko PRIMORAC, Goran KOZINA, Technical Gazette (Print: ISSN 1330-3651, Online: ISSN 1848-6339), Vol. 27/No. 5, 2020, p. 1670-1677, https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20200217101315, Impact Factor (2019): 0.670
- Export potential of Serbia in the EU, Koautori Dejan Miljković, Siniša Barjaktarević, Megatrend rewiev, Vol. 16 (1) 2019 UDK 33 ISSN 1820-3159, UDK 330, p. 1-25, DOI: 10.5937/MegRev1901001R
- Determinants of economic growth in the pre-crisis period, Co-author Nikola Tasić, Ivan Nikolić, Industrija Vol.46, No.3, 2018, pp. 133-143, https://doi.org/10.5937/industrija46-18540
- Shadow Economy – Impotence or Lifestyle, International Scientific Conference: Archibald Reiss Days, Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018, Vol. (1), pp. 37-50, ISBN 978-86-7020-404-1
- Exchange rate “Pass-through” on prices in Serbia in the post-crisis period, Co-author Nikola Tasić, Industrija Vol.46, No.2, 2018, pp. 117-129. https://doi.org/10.5937/industrija46-17176
- Anomalies of the Eurozone market, Economic problems in the EU. Culture of policies, vol. 14(3) (2017), p. 57-69. https://www.kpolisa.com/index.php/kp/article/view/819
- Direction of Serbian Trade: Gravity Model Based on Pool Data, co-author Siniša Barjaktarević and Dusan Cogoljević, EuroEconomica Vol 36, no. 1/2017, pp. 21-33, ISSN 1582-8859, CNCSIS B+ Category
- The importance of the EU support program for the regional development and cooperation of the countries of the Western Balkans – Example of the Republic of Serbia, co-author Aleksandra Tošović, Ph.D., Business Economics, 2016, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 236-250, Educons DOI: 10.5937/poseko10-12258
- Regional Development in the Western Balkans Through the Support of EU Projects, koautor dr Aleksandra Tošović, Megatrend Review, Vol 13 No 2 2016, 175-188
- External sector of the Serbian economy, magazine Trends in business, Year IV, Number 8, Volume 2 / 2016, Vocational School of Business “Prof. Dr. Radomir Bojković”
- Structure of industrial production in Serbia after 2000, Economic perspectives, Vol.17 no. 4/2015, p. 159-172, ISSN 1450-7951, https://doi.org/10.5937/EkoPog1504159R
- Dynamics of the labor market in Serbia, Economic views, Vol. 16 no. 3/2014, p. 1-25, https://doi.org/10.5937/EkoPog1403001R
- Agony of unemployment in the Eurozone, Megatrend review, 11(2), 2014, p. 95-116. ISSN 1820-3159 DOI: 10.5937/MegRev1402095R
- To what extent do the challenges of the crisis indicate the existence of its strategy, Book Review: “The World Financial Crisis – Challenges and Strategy”, Megatrend magazine, 2012.
- (Neo)protectionism and the world economic crisis, co-authored by prof. dr. Branislav Pelević, Serbian political thought no. 4/2011.
- “Macroeconomic determinants of economic growth and economic-financial crisis”, Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization, jul 2010.
- Locating business activities crucial for economic growth and development, Book review, Megatrend magazine, 2009.
- Problems and improving the competitiveness of the Serbian economy, scientific meeting on the topic of Institutional changes as determinants of the economic development of Serbia in 2008, Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, 2009.
- Competitiveness of the Serbian economy in the transition period – Business School no. 4, Higher Business School, Novi Sad, 2008.
- Comparative advantages and diversification of exports of the Serbian economy – School of Business no. 3, Higher Business School, Novi Sad, 2008.
- Perspectives of Serbia’s external position by new views on measuring competitiveness, Scientific Society of Economists of Serbia, Counseling of Economists, Businessmen, and Bankers, Novi Sad, Economic Annals, April 2005.
- The external sector of the Serbian economy: How much did relations with foreign countries change during 2004 and what are the perspectives for 2005, Monthly analyses and forecasts, three numbers 10, 11 and 12, Institute of Economic Sciences, February 2005.
- The movement of the dinar exchange rate and the role of the exchange rate in economic growth, Monthly analyses and forecasts, volumes 7, 8 and 9, Institute of Economic Sciences, December 2004.
Unpublished papers
- “Liberalization of foreign trade and economic growth” – work in the field of foreign trade – Analysis based on the theoretical aspects of foreign trade and economic growth, then on the general characteristics of the liberalization of world trade, then on the impact of liberalization and globalization on economic growth, as well as the mutual relationship between macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth, with application to certain groups of countries and the FRY, January 2001.
- “Approximation of stochastic dependencies of regression analysis” – work in the field of econometric analysis – Theoretical aspects of regression analysis of economic phenomena and examination of the price of apartments in two cities of the state of Michigan (USA) depending on several factors (variables), which is based on the econometric procedure evaluation of regression models using the SPSS program package, October 2001.
- Twins Transitions, The Second International Scientific Conference ”Challenges of Digitalization in the Business World”, Co-authors: Šostar, M., and Chamaru de Alwis November 23rd, 2023 Alfa BK University, Belgrade, Serbia
- Fostering Sustainable Rural Tourism: Mitigating CO2 Emissions Through Technology and Eco-Friendly Travel Practices, IV. znanstveno-stručna konferencija Slavonski Model Zbrinjavanja komunalnog otpada Slamko 2023., Panon – Institut za strateške studije, Osijek Andrlić, B., Ristanović, V., Gonçalves, R. F.
- Extension of the Ant Algorithm with Additional Sources of Information for Managing a Swarm of Robots, 2023 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT), Lviv, Ukraine, 2023, pp. 1-4, Co-authors: V. Serzhanov, N. Reshetniak, F. Abramov, V. Zaiats, and B. Andrlic doi: 10.1109/CSIT61576.2023.10324232
- Are Women Recognized in the Digital Economy? Experiences of Developed Economies, Mario Hak, 30th International Economic Conference of Sibiu, Session 5D: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Economy and Management, May 25-27, 2023, Sibiu Romania
- How Much Does EU Membership Affect Trade Directions? Experiences of New EU Members, Vitalij Viktorovych SERZHANOV, International Conference „Inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Challenges, measures and solutions” (ISEG 2023) Section: Finance, Trade & European Law., May 26, 2023, Brasov, Romania
- International Conference on Innovation in information technology and business (ICIITB 2022) “Multi-criteria decision-making on operational risk in banks“ Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Oman 9-10 November 2022.
- International scientific conference “Legislation in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development – the situation in Serbia and past experiences of Croatia as a member of the EU”, Institute for European Studies, 27-29. September 2022
- Long-term Effects of COVID on the Sustainable Development of the Countries of the Region and the EU, Conference, Institute for Internationala Policy and Economy, May, 2022.
- Sustainable Development in the New Methodology of EU Accession – the Example of Serbia, Inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Challenges, measures and solutions, ISEG 2022, 27th of May 2022, Romania.
- Sustainable development – the goal or source of global progress, VIII International Scientific Conference Determinants of Regional Development, No 2 (2021):, Co-Authos: TOSOVIC-STEVANOVIC, Aleksandra, Wydawnictwo Państwowej Uczelni Stanisława Staszica w Pile, Pila 21 – 22 October 2021.
- Final conference of the project Combating Illegal Trade Through Research, Education and Awareness, realised by PMI IMPACT, financed by Philip Morris Product SA, Host institution: Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Begrade, September, 2021.
- Round table of the project Combating Illegal Trade Through Research, Education and Awareness, realised by PMI IMPACT, financed by Philip Morris Product SA, Host institution: Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, July, 2021
- First International Scientific Conference ” Covid-19 and Challenges of the Business World”, co-author: Svetlana Zenchenko, Alfa BK University, March 25th, 2021., pp.114-124, ISBN 978-86-6461-046-9
- PANDEMIC WORLD ORDER CHANGES Covid19 versus Labour Productivity, International Scientific and Practical Conference III Arrighi’s redaings on the topic: „Russia’s path to the future world order“, 22nd October, 2020. (pozivno pismo).
- The Influence of Innovation of Agricultural Products on the Sustainable Success of Agricultural Holdings in the Republic of Serbia. Co-authors: Milanovic, M., Vujicic, S., Nikitovic, Z., Proceedings Book, 19th International Business Congress, Erciyes University – Kayseri, September 23-25, 2020, Turkеy
- With or Without e-Government? Serbian Experiences, International Conference Digital Economy and e-Education: the European experience, / Co-authors: S. Barjaktarević, Z. Nikitović/ March 10 – 14, 2020 at the Institute of Economics and Management of North-Caucasus Federal University.
- Analysis of International Competitiveness and Innovation Indicators, International conference ECONOMY-HISTORY-SOCIETY , 6-9 November 2019 CAREI, ROMANIA
- The right moment for entering the regional integration / Co-authors: S. Vujičić, Z. Nikitović // Актуальні питання економіки, обліку, фінансів та управління персоналом / Збірник тез міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (17-18 квітня 2019 р.). – Ужгород: Вид-во УжНУ «Говерла», 2019. С. 71-75.
- The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Development of the Republic of Serbia, Co-Authors Sladjana Vujicic, Aleksandra Tosovic-Stevanovic, 41st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – Belgrade, 23-24 May 2019
- Excise on Tobacco and Tobacco Market in Serbia, International Conference EEE Finance and Insurance Sector Industry, April 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria
- The Right Moment for Entering the Regional Integration, Co-Authors Sladjana Vujicic, and Zorana Nikitovic, International scientific and practical conference: Topical Issues of Economics, Accounting, Finance and Human Resources Management, April 17-18, 2019, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
- Shadow Economy – Impotence or Lifestyle, International Scientific Conference: Archibald Reiss Days, Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018.
- Profitability of banks in Serbia, co-author with Dejan Miljković, First Scientific and Professional Conference, Trends in Business, Kruševac, May 2017.
- Threat of Non-Performing Loans to Serbian Banking Sector, EEE Conference 2017, Finance, Banking and Insurance.
- Role of Auditing in Control Public Spending Process Study of the Financial Secretariat of Libya – Gharyan, co-author with Aleksandra Tosovic-Stevanovic and Ismail Hamuuda, 21st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Belgrade, Serbia, 18-19 May 2017.
- EU Market Anomalies, Economic Problems of the European Union, Conference of the Institute for European Studies, May 2017.
- Improving the Economy – The Path to the European Union, International Monography: Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, October 2016
- Importance of natural resources in economic development, co-author Dr. Aleksandra Tošović, 6th International Symposium on Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Management, Zaječar, 25 and 26 June 2016. (with invitation letter)
- 15th Serbian Economic Summit “Repowering the Economy” – Chair and Speaker in the panel: REPOWERING HEALTH, Organized by TGI (Group International), June 8-9, 2015, Belgrade
- Serbia towards the European Union “Improving the Economy – the Path to the European Union”, International Conference, December 03-05, 2014, Megatrend University, Belgrade
- A proposed concept for overcoming economic crisis, International conference Dealing with the Global Economic Crisis by Companies and Economies, co-author prof. Dejan Miljković PhD, December 2009, Megatrend university, Beograd.
Public policy document
- (2021) Serbia and Agenda 2030, Mapping the national strategic framework about sustainable development goals, November 2021, Republic Secretariat for Public Policies, 121 pages, author
- Green economy in the era of digitization, head of the sub-project Green Finance, project holder of Alfa BK University 2023-2025.
- Consultant, Business risk management strategy of TRANSNAFTA AD Pancevo (September 2022-September 2023)
- Serbian Team Member – Environmental Legislation and Sustainable Economic Development – the State of Play in Serbia and Experiences of the Croatian EU Membership”, PRAVOS adn IES and Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Osijek, Croatia, May 2022.
- Edukator – Modern teaching processes, Centers for Innovative Development of Social Entrepreneurship, IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia-North Macedonia, december 2021, Vranje (SRB) – Kumanovo (NMD).
- Consultant, Public Finance Reform – 2030 Agenda, Republic of Serbia, Public Policy Secretariat, no. contr. C/PFR/2021/006, financed by GIZ (Octobar – December, 2021)
- Project Coordinator Erasmus+ Programme Mobility KA103 (01.10.2020. – 30.09.2021.)
- Project Coordinator Erasmus+ Programme Mobility KA107 (01.10.2020. – 30.09.2021.)
- Consultant (Data Analyst) AP SRJU – Lokalna samouprava za XXI vek (2020-2024), Ministarstvo za državnu upravu i lokalnu samoupravu (avgust 2020. – decembar 2021.) – SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation)
- Consultant (Data Analyst) AP SRJU – Реформа локалне самоуправе 2016-2019, Министарство за државну управу и локалну самоуправу (март – децембар 2019.) – SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation)
- Data Analyst on the project Combating Illegal Trade Through Research, Education and Awareness, realised by PMI IMPACT – Funding round 2, financed by Philip Morris Product SA (maj 2019. – jun 2020.)
- Data Analyst, FAMFAR – THE ROLE OF SMALL FARMS IN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRI-FOOD SECTOR IN THE COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE, the project funded by the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange, no. PPI/APM/2018/1/00011/U/001.
- Restructuring of Doctoral Studies in Serbia RODOS 544093-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMGR
- Institutional mechanism for the participation of citizens in the budget process at the national and local level within the project “Civil Society for Responsible Government and Poverty Reduction in Serbia”, January 2012
- Regional Development Strategy 2007-2012, Ministry of Economy, Republic of Serbia
- Development Report 2006, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Analysis of human development in the Republic of Serbia 2006, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Report on small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship 2006, Ministry of Economy, Republic of Serbia
- Effects of privatization on the economic development of Serbia 2006, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- National Strategy for Economic Development of Serbia 2006-2012, Ministry of Economy, Republic of Serbia
- Analysis of public companies 2005, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Development Report 2005, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Effects of privatization on the economic development of Serbia 2005, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Ex-post analysis of trends in the economy of Serbia, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Industrial policy of Serbia, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Analysis of human development in the Republic of Serbia 2005, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Development Program of Vojvodina, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Strategy for the long-term economic development of southern Serbia, Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija, Republic of Serbia
- Strategy for the long-term economic development of Serbian communities in Kosovo and Metohija, Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija, Republic of Serbia
- Report on small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship 2005, Ministry of Economy, Republic of Serbia
- Report on small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurship in AP Vojvodina 2005, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Analysis of large industrial systems in AP Vojvodina, Republic Development Bureau, Republic of Serbia
- Report on Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurship 2004, Ministry of Economy, Republic of Serbia.