With the blessing of The Most Reverend Bishop of Šumadija, Bishop Jovan, the book “Bioethics of Death. Utilitarianism and Orthodoxy “, Deputy Protopresbyter Dragan Popović, was published in a joint edition of the Institute of European Studies and the Publishing Institution of the Diocese of Šumadija “Kalenić”.
The book, created as a result of a theological search for answers to not at all easy and simple bioethical questions related to organ transplants, as part of a broader bioethical area of the end of human life, is classified by the author into three separate units. Dealing first with the problem of presumed agreement in the context of “human rights theology”, then with the issue of brain death as a political-ideological issue of the modern, postmodern world, viewed from a theological perspective and, finally, examining the ethics of Peter Singer’s utilitarianism. bioethics – with special reference to the end of human life”, Deputy Protopresbyter Dragan Popović considers reasoning on the mentioned topics a challenge addressed to “different and / or complementary opinions, in order to dialogically advance in the truth that will free us not only from delusions of ignorance but also deception and lies of the cunning”.
The book reviewers are Prof. Jovan Babić, Protopresbyter-Stavrophore Prof. Zoran Krstić and Dr. Miša Đurković.