We present you the book by Prof. Dr. Dragan Todorović, “The Relationship Between Sunnis and Shias in the Middle East,” published by Ukronija and the Institute for European Studies. Prof. Dr. Dragan Todorović is one of our most distinguished experts on Middle Eastern affairs. His extensive engagement in this region has included, among other positions, serving as the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Iran, as well as his current position as the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Libya. It is also important to note that Prof. Dr. Dragan Todorović is fluent in Arabic and Persian, which has enabled him to gain exceptional insight into the historical, social, and cultural-religious conditions in the Middle East. In his book, the author examines the complex relationship between Sunni and Shia Muslims, providing an exceptionally detailed insight into the doctrinal differences between Sunnism and Shiism, the fundamental reasons for their divisions, the contemporary relations between Arab states and Iran, as well as Iran’s relations with the United States and Russia in the context of Sunni-Shia relations.