On Thursday, February 17, starting at 11 AM (CET) the Institute of European Studies is organizing a
Discussion on the Occasion of the Publication of the New Book by Ambassador Duško Lopandić “Reči su iza dela” [“The Words are the Shadows of Deeds”] (published by “Mali Nemo” and the Archives of Vojvodina)
Diplomacy Past and Present
- Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović, Director of the Archives of Vojvodina,
- Dr. Milan Orlić, Publishing House “Mali Nemo”,
- Ambassador Ivan Mrkić,
- Ambassador Vladimir Vereš,
- Ambassador Zoran Milivojević,
- Dr. Slobodan Zečević,
- Dr. Milan Igrutinović, and
- author, Dr. Duško Lopandić
The discussion can be followed live or via the Zum platform, at the link: