The Institute of European Studies, in cooperation with Matica Srpska, is organizing a lecture
by Dr. Jean-Yves Camus titled “The Far Right – An Essay on Defining Its Essence”:
Wednesday, February 5, at Matica Srpska in Novi Sad at 12:00 PM;
Thursday, February 6, in the Ceremonial Hall of the Institute of European Studies (Nikola Pašić Square 11, fourth floor, Room 136) at 12:00 PM.
Both lectures will be delivered in French, with translation provided into Serbian.
Dr. Jean-Yves Camus, a French political scientist and publicist, was born in 1958 in Châtenay-Malabry. He graduated from the Institute of Political Studies (Institut d’Études Politiques) and holds degrees in contemporary history from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), as well as in political science from the Sorbonne, University of Paris 1 (Paris-I Sorbonne).
He was an associate at the European Centre for Research and Action on Racism and Anti-Semitism (European Centre for Research and Action on Racism and Anti-Semitism – CERA), an expert for the Council of Europe, and a participant in the Swiss government’s national program for researching the far right. As an expert on the French and European far right, he has been working since 2006 at IRIS, the Institute for International and Strategic Relations in Paris (Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques – IRIS). Since 2014, he has been an associate fellow at the Jean Jaurès Foundation (Fondation Jean-Jaurès), a think tank in Paris. He collaborates with the Program on Illiberal Democracy at George Washington University. His latest book, “Far-Right Politics in Europe” (Les Droites extrêmes en Europe), published by Le Seuil, co-authored with Nicolas Lebourg, was released by Harvard University in 2017. He is also the author of books such as “Extremism in France: Should We Be Afraid of It?” (Extrémismes en France : faut-il en avoir peur?) from 2006, published by Éditions Milan; “Extremism in Europe” (Les Extremismes en Europe) from 1998, published by L’Aube; and “The National Front: History and Analysis” (Le Front National, histoire et analyse) from 1996, published by Éditions Olivier Laurens. He has collaborated with the magazines Le Monde diplomatique and the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
The lecture can be attended in person or via the Zoom application, with prior registration at the following link: