The main objective of this edited book is to contribute to reflection on the complex relations
between EU integration taken lato sensu and environmental legislation. It is intended for a
wider scientific community, practitioners in various fields, the business community, political
decision-makers, but also for every reader sharing with our authors a passion for
environmental protection, as well as for legal and political studies of the EU. The editors
believe that, in a changing world where threats against global peace and security may often
seem more important and more imminent than the threat of irreversible environmental
degradation, the conservation of nature and habitats represents a unique field where every
citizen in the world, with small gestures in everyday life, can make their contribution. This is
the main reason why we invited nine authors from five countries (Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia) to present different perspectives, but with the
common objective to shed light on environmental protection in the context of EU integration.
Despite the fact that focus is placed on the countries of South-Eastern and Central Europe, all
the chapters raise various issues applicable to all European states.
Тhe book was jointly presented by the representatives of the publishers (Miša Đurković,
Director of the IES and Klaus Fiesinger, Regional Director of the „Hans Seidel” Foundation),
Anđelka Mihajlov, one of the reviewers of the book, Biljana Činčurak Erceg, associate
professor at the Faculty of Law in Osijek and the author of one the chapters in the book, and
Uroš Ćemalović, editor of the book.
The book can be found on this link: