This comprehensive analysis of the political, economic and social history of Latin American countries also includes a critical problematization of contemporary phenomena characteristic of that region. The work is the result of a precisely defined thematic framework, a clear application of the methodological procedure, an original approach to the topic, an accessible style of expression, the use of an argumentative way of thinking and the use of an interdisciplinary method in the analysis of the topics covered. Of particular value is the diverse bibliographic material that the author uses, using foreign original sources and translations that significantly contributed to the depth of the analysis and the originality of the interpretation of concepts, phenomena and processes present in the text. Although the text is not formally encyclopedic, this work offers a wealth of data and information valuable for understanding the current situation in Latin American countries. The study has a uniform narrative rhythm, the epistemological foundation of the conclusions drawn, as well as a multidisciplinary approach to the selected topics. The concluding discussions of the text do not have a conventional form due to the author’s intention to supplement the work with the most current events in the mentioned countries.
From the review of prof. Dr. Dejan Mihailović, full professor at the University of Monterrey in Ciudad México