On September 27, 2021, starting at 12 o’clock (CEST), the Institute of European Studies is organizing a lecture:
Rabi W. Sédrak
The Implications of Afghanistan Crisis on Europe security – Taliban vs ISIS
Rabi W. Sédrak is the head of the Strategic Research Department at the Center for Security Research in Skopje. Rabi joined the Center in early 2017 as an independent researcher after many years of experience in the Middle East, where he contributed to the design, implementation and execution of various government reform tasks, especially in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.
His research includes illegal immigration and the fight against terrorism with an emphasis on Al Qaeda and ISIL, radicalization and political Islam. In 2012, Rabi devised the Balkan Integration and Immigration Program, a tool that helps Balkan countries integrate and control the immigration waves that hit Europe after the Syrian civil war. Over the past ten years, he has completed extensive research and courses on a range of international security issues, including the relationship between returning foreign fighters and terrorism in SEE, Islamic State, demographic change in SEE, security cooperation in the Balkans and counter-extremism.
Rabi is a public speaker and often appears in the media and at international conferences. He has published numerous papers and has been cited in several NGOs and security research institutions.
The lecture can also be followed via the Zoom application, on this link.