The idea about the compendium of papers was created without strict theoretical sketch, rather as an analytical challenge to the issues of spatialization, which have been imposed beyond the theory, through an unrefined information spectacle – in a form of a response to practices of relocation, allocation, demarcation, narrow collection. It has been conceived as an open conceptualization of the notions of space, borders, and policies and realized through the good will of associates who have contributed to this topic. Since there is no single, disciplinary, terminological and ideological framework, it may be assessed as the result of our joint (interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary) response to an increase in practical and theoretical interest in the phenomenon of territorialism.
The wide range of issues through which this phenomenon has been analyzed includes: 1) systematic reconsideration of changes in postmodern understanding of the term of borders, 2) philosophical and political answers to the questions and aporias of contemporary relation towards spatial organization and demarcation in the context of intensifying migrations, 3) (re)structuring of space through fear-based policies, incarnated through the media, technology and institutions, 4) examining the identity construction of space and representation of the phenomenon of Otherness from different perspectives, 5) dynamic conditioning of spatial factors and political interests and goals, i.e. geopolitical research of causality of spatial structuring in relation to the “Arab spring” and the “systemic crisis in the EU”, 6) applied analysis of the problems of the Euro zone, the competitiveness of the European economy, market and other EU issues considered to be “systemic”.
This is a summary of the authors’ contributions to the collection, without the individual presentation of each of them. Since their titles already say enough, any additional announcement or interpretation would be superfluous. The criterion of their arrangement within the proceedings follows the direction from theoretical towards applied approaches and from general to specific studies, as much as possible. Following these two mentioned principles, this is only one possible arrangement; it is up to each interested reader to find his or her own.
pp. 13-14.
Gordana Đerić (ed), Spatial Demarcations: Between the Politics of Fear and Effects on the Purse, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade, 2016.
ISBN 978-86-82057-53-6