Srboljub Peović, MA
Research Assistant
Work Experience
- Research Assistant
Institute of European Studies
December 2019 – Present - Interpreter, Data Analyst, Software Developer
Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia
October 2016 – Present
- Doctoral Academic Studies
Department of History
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
December 2018 – Present - Master Academic Studies
Department of History
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Master Thesis: Mühimme Defterleri as a Source for Studying the History of Serbs in the 16th Century - Undergraduate Academic Studies
Department of History
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Thesis: Emperor Jovan Nenada
Research Project Participation
- Cultural Transfer Europe – Serbia From the 19th Till the 21st Century – CTES
Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade; Institute of European Studies; Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade; and the Institute for Contemporary History.
Supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia under the IDEAS program.
Research Interests
- History of Christian Communities in the Middle East (19th-21st Century)
- History of Middle Eastern Societies (19th-21st Century)
- History of the Ottoman Empire
- History of Iran and Central Asia
- History of International Relations in the Mediterranean (19th-21st Century)
- Contemporary Middle East and Central Asia
- International Relations of European States with the Countries of the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa
- International Relations in the Eastern Mediterranean
- International Mixed Migration Flows
- Interfaith Dialogue
- English
- German
- Arabic
- Persian
- Turkish
- Greek
- French
- Latin
- Old Church Slavonic
Participation in Scholarly Gatherings, Conferences, and Seminars
- Portugal Today – Perspectives from Serbia
June 27, 2024, Belgrade
Institute of European Studies
Presentation: The Formation and Pluralization of the Muslim Community in Portugal (1968–2021) - Keywording the European Irregularized Migration Regime: reflections from/on the peripheries
February 11-13, 2024, Zagreb
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ethnographic Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatian Association of Architects
Project: The European Irregularized Migration Regime at the Periphery of the EU: From Ethnography to Keywords
Presentation: An Exploration of “Camps” Along the Balkan Route - Crimea as a Focal Point of Conflict Between Russia and the West Since 1853
November 6, 2023, Belgrade
Ostrogorsky History Students’ Club – ISHA Belgrade
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Presentation: The Crimean War and Its Consequences for the Ottoman Empire - Yugoslav-Spanish Parallels: Between Misconceptions and Reality
June 29, 2023, Belgrade
Institute of European Studies
Presentation: The Ulama’s Stance on the Question of Hijra After Christian Conquests in Andalusia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Through the Lens of Fatwas - Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia in the 19th Century
November 10, 2022
Institute of European Studies
Project: Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia from the 19th till the 21st Century – CTES
Presentation: Writers from the Ottoman Empire on Serbia During the 19th Century - Presentation of Dr. Aleksandar Gajić’s Book “The Cross and the Circle”
November 1, 2022
Institute of European Studies - “Fascism” in Our Era: On the State of Fascism Studies Today
September 30, 2022
Institute of European Studies
Presentation: The Islamic World and Fascism - Balkans and Turkey in Transition
June 22, 2021
Presentation: Relations of Türkiye with the Albanian Separatists in Kosovo and Metohija - Europe’s Confrontation with Its Colonial Past
May 10, 2020, Belgrade (Online)
Institute of European Studies
Presentation: Qajar Iran in the Great Game
- (2024) “Формирање и плурализација заједнице муслимана у Португалији”, у: Португалија данас – погледи из Србије. Београд: Институт за европске студије.
- (2023) “Писци из Османског царства о Србији током 19. века”, у: Културни трансфер Европа-Србија у XIX веку, ур. Слободан Г. Марковић. Београд: Институт за европске студије, Досије студио, стр. 325-341. https://doi.org/10.18485/fpn_ctes_xix.2023.ch12
- (2023) “Ставови улеме према питању хиџрета по хришћанским освајањима у Андалузији и Босни и Херцеговини у огледалу фетви”, у: Југословенско-шпанске паралеле, ур. Рајко Петровић. Београд: Институт за европске студије, стр. 176-192.
- (2023) “Фашизам и исламски свет”, у: Фашизам у нашој епохи, ур. Миша Ђурковић. Београд: Институт за европске студије.
- w/ Slađana Zdravković. (2022) “Serbia and Turkey” in: The Balkans and Turkey in Transition, ed. Miša Đurković. Belgrade: Institute of European Studies – Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung.
- (2021) “Каџарски Иран у Великој игри”, у: Суочавање Европе са њеном колонијалном прошлошћу, ур. Данило Бабић, Рајко Петровић, Јелена Вићентић. Београд: Институт за европске студије, стр. 208-228.
- (2021) “Дарко Танасковић, Пусто турско, Београд: Институт за политичко умрежавање, Институт за европске студије, Информатика АД, 2021.”, Култура полиса 18 (46), 287-289. https://doi.org/10.51738/Kpolisa2021.18.3r.5.03
- (2019) “Балкански римокатолици између римске реформе и османске стварности : (Antal Molnár, Confessionalization on the Frontier, The Balkan Catholics between Roman Reform and Ottoman Reality, Viella, Roma 2019, 268 pg.)”, Зборник Матице Српске за историју 100, 141-144.