On Thursday, January 18, starting at 12 noon, the Institute of European Studies is organizing alecture SHANE MACGOWAN AND THE ROLE OF POPULAR MUSIC IN THECONSTRUCTION OF CONTEMPORARY IRISH IDENTITY Speakers: The audience can follow the lecture live, as well as via Zoom, with a prior registration at thefollowing link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BonTM-cUTBiLD2h6gzP30A#/registration
Author: Marija Marsenic
The project on artificial intelligence (AI), led by Dr. Uroš Ćemalović, will be implemented until mid-October 2024
With the support of the Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia (TechnologyTransfer Program), the Institute of European Studies is implementing a project inthe field of artificial intelligence (AI) entitled „Appliance for Regulatory andEthical Evaluation of the Outputs of AI-based text-to-image Software Solutions“(TT1162). The project is managed by Dr. Uroš Ćemalović, it includes researchersfrom the…