Education Research Interests Biography Nikola Tucakov, MA, is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University ofBelgrade. Since December of 2023 he has been employed as a research trainee at the Instituteof European Studies.He completed his undergraduate studies in International Relations at the Faculty of PoliticalSciences, University of Belgrade in 2020. He completed…
Author: Marija Marsenic
March 31: A round table: “Current international relations – are we on the edge of disaster?”
On Sunday, March 31, starting at 12:15 p.m. in the Cultural Center of Gračanica, The Institute for European Studies and the Cultural Center of Gračanica, with the support of the Holy Archangels Foundation and the Board of Matica Srpska in Kosovo and Metohija, are organizing a round table: Current international relations – are we on…
Participation of Dr. Vladimir Ristanović at the “Current Events in the International Economy” Forum of the Winter School of International Relations.
Dr. Vladimir Ristanović, research associate of the Institute for European Studies, participated on March 14, 2024 in the forum of economists at the Winter School of International Relations of the Institute for International Politics and Economy with the topic “Global scarcity of critical raw materials sunk the EU industry”.
March 26 – Fyodor Lukyanov: “Contemporary Russia’s Foreign Policy”
The Institute for European Studies is organizing a lecture by Fyodor Lukyanov on Tuesday, March 26, starting at 2:00 p.m.: “Contemporary Russia’s Foreign Policy” Fyodor Lukyanov is the director of the Valdai International Debate Club, the president of the Russian Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, the editor-in-chief of the journal Russia in Global Affairs….
March 19 – Dr. Markku Kangaspuro: “New geopolitics in Northern Europe. Finland’s NATO membership and Defense Cooperation Agreements between the USA and the Nordic Countries”
Institute for European Studies is organizing an online lecture on Tuesday, March 19, starting at 12:00 p.m.: “New geopolitics in Northern Europe. Finland’s NATO membership and Defense Cooperation” Agreements between the USA and the Nordic Countries” Dr. Markku Kangaspuro has been the head of the Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki since 2018. He received…
March 18 – prof. Dr. Manuel Alcantara Sáez: “Political Sciences, Globalization and Digital Technologies”
Institute for European Studies in co-organization with the Center for Ibero-American Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad, International Congress of Americanists ICA2025 and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Belgrade organizes a lecture, оn March 18, starting at 6:00 p.m, by Prof. Dr. Manuel Alcantara Saez: “Political…
MA Petar Milutinović – Research study stay at the University of Graz (Republic of Austria)
Our colleague MA Petar Milutinović will attend his research study stay at the University of Graz (Republic of Austria) in the period from March 4th to June 28th, 2024. During his stay, colleague Milutinović will be engaged in research related to the topic of his PhD dissertation. Research work will be undertaken under the mentorship…
March 11 – Dr. Željka Buturović: „Education in Serbia after Ribnikar“
On Monday, March 11, starting at 12 noon, the Institute of European Studies is organizing alecture Dr. Željka Buturović EDUCATION IN SERBIA AFTER RIBNIKAR Dr. Željka Buturović is a research associate at the Institute of Social Sciences. Željka Buturovićdeals with empirical and theoretical work. Her empirical research covers the areas of politicalpsychology, American politics and…
March 7 – Cultural transfer in modern times – seminar on the occasion of the collection of papers “Imitators of voices. About literary translation and translators” (ed. Dr. Gordana Đerić) IES, 2023.
The Institute for European Studies, within the CTES project, organizes a seminar on the occasion of the collection of papers “Imitators of Voices.” On literary translation and translators” dedicated to the memory of the translator, literary editor and publisher Alexander V. Stefanović (1926-2024). Welcome words 12.00 – 12.10Dr. Miša Đurković, director of the Institute for…
Dr. Rajko Petrović’s lecture at the Winter School of International Relations “Contemporary Regional and Global Conflicts and Cooperation”
Dr. Rajko Petrovic, research associate of the Institute of European Studies, held a lecture on February 29, 2024 at the Winter School of International Relations “Contemporary Regional and Global Conflicts and Cooperation” of the Institute for International Politics and Economy entitled “Latin American Regional Integration at the Beginning of 21 century: challenges and perspectives”.