The collection of papers Yugoslav-Spanish Parallels (edited by Dr. Rajko Petrović, Institute for European Studies, 2023, 259 pages) is the result of the scholarly conference “Yugoslavian-Spanish parallels: between delusions and reality” organized on June 29, 2023 at the Institute of European Studies. Various topics and areas are covered in the collection, from the point of…
Category: Publications
Sanja Ivić, The Concept of European Values: Creating a New Narrative for Europe. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield; Lexington Books, 2023.
The Concept of European Values: Creating a New Narrative for Europe offers a philosophical analysis of the concept of European values from its origin to the present day. This book rethinks European values in the light of the crises—economic, political, migration, identity, and pandemic—that the European Union (EU) has faced since 2008 and analyzes EU…
G. Nikolić, I. Nikolić, “Can Structural Indicators of Trade Explain Why EU Candidate Countries Are Integrating Slowly?”, Eastern European Economics, pp. 1-23
Dr. Goran Nikolić, Principal Research Fellow of the Institute of European Studies, published a paper co-authored with Dr. Ivan Nikolić under the name “Can Structural Indicators of Trade Explain Why EU Candidate Countries Are Integrating Slowly?” in the online edition of Eastern European Economics, published by Routledge. The DOI of the paper is 10.1080/00128775.2023.2219243 Froom…
S. Gajić, “My iz budushtego. Serbskiy vzglyad na russkoe prostranstvo. Ot Evromaydana do SVO” [We Are from the Future. Serbian View on the Russian Space. From Euromaidan to the SMO]
From the publisher’s website: The 21st century is a time of great changes, global upheavals, military and political confrontations. Now peoples and states need to decide which side to take. It is now that every voice in support of independent and good-neighbourly relations between countries is important. And such voices are heard more and more…
Uroš Ćemalović, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – A Commentary (Art. 116 and 117), Volume II, Springer, 2023.
As part of a major European project of publishing four volumes of the Commentary of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), the Springer First Online has published the commentaries of Articles 116 and 117, written by Uroš Ćemalović, senior research associate of the Institute of European Studies. More than 100 experts…
“Pristajem na sve. Istorija muzičke grupe Južni Vetar” (“I agree to Everything. The History of the Music Group Južni Vetar”), Miša Đurković (ed.), Belgrade: Institute of European Studies – Čigoja Press, 2023.
The recently released anthology of scholarly works, presented by the Institute of European Studies in collaboration with Čigoja Press, was inspired by and derived from presentations given at a conference of the same name. The tale of Južni Vetar (South Wind), its visionary founder Mile “Bas”, the legendary Big Five, Perica, Sava, Bane Vasić, and…
Anila Jelesijević, “Srbija i velike sile” [“Serbia and the Great Powers”], Belgrade: Institute of European Studies, 2023.
Dr. Anila Jelesijević’s book “Serbia and the Great Powers” is a significant scholarly work on politics from the position of power of the United States of America, the Russian Federation and the European Union towards the Republic of Serbia. It is a study that consists of a detailed analysis of the policy from the position…
Andreas Roth, “Johan Albreht fon Rajsvic (1899-1962). Od nelagodnog stručnjaka za jugoistočnu Evropu do zaštitnika spomenika” [“Johann Albrecht von Reiswitz (1899-1962). From an Inconvenient Expert on Southeast Europe to Protector of Monuments”], trans. Z. Janjetović, Belgrade – Novi Sad: Institute of European Studies – Archives of Vojvodina, 2023.
The Institute of European Studies, in cooperation with the Archives of Vojvodina, published a new interesting edition. This is the first monograph on Johann Albrecht von Reiswitz, authored by Andreas Roth. It is a somewhat abbreviated edition of Mr. Roth’s voluminous book, who gave permission for us to translate for our market those parts related…
“Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia: Methodological Issues and Challenges”, ed. Slobodan G. Markovich, Belgrade: Faculty of Political Sciences – Dosije Studio, 2023.
In January 2022, a group of scholars from Belgrade was awarded a three-year grant by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia within its programme IDEAS to do research on cultural transfer Europe-Serbiafrom the age of Josephinism (end of the 18th century) till the early 21st century. The group includes historians, anthropologists, political scientists,…
Slobodan Zečević, “O degolizmu i Srbima” [“On Gaullisme and the Serbs”], Novi Sad – Belgrade: Academic Book – Institute of European Studies, 2022.
The book of Prof. Slobodan Zečević On Degolism and the Serbs reminds us of the life and political legacy of the great French statesman of the 20th century, Charles De Gaulle, the founder of the Fifth Republic. The author points to the parallelisms that appeared between the movements in French and Serbian society between the…