Aleksa Filipović, PhD
Research Associate
- Ph.D. in Political Science (к.полит.н.), Saint-Petersburg State University (СПБГУ), year: 2023.
- Post-graduate studies in International Relations (57 th Diploma Programme – DLG), Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatische Akademie Wien), year: 2021.
- Master (магистр), School of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University (ФМО СПБГУ); year: 2018.
- MA in Political Science – International Relations (мастер политиколог за међународне послове), Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade (ФПН БУ); year: 2015.
- MA in Economics (мастер економиста), Singidunum University, Belgrade; year: 2014.
- BA in Political Science – International Relations (дипломирани политиколог за међународне послове), Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade (ФПН БУ); year: 2013.
Areas of Interest:
- Right-wing parties in Europe
- Political systems of the Scandinavian countries
- Political systems of Russia and post-Soviet countries
- Relations between the Scandinavian countries and Russia
- Vaccine diplomacy
- Legal and ethical issues with the use of artificial intelligence in modern weapon systems
- Serbian: Native speaker
- English: Fluent (C2, Proficiency CPE)
- Russian: Fluent
- French: Intermediate (B1, CCI Paris Ile-de-France)
- German: Beginner (A2, ÖSD Zertifikat)
Book chapters:
- Филиповић, А. (2023). Преглед совјетског и руског академског истраживања фашизма. У: Ђурковић, М. (уред.)(2023). Фашизам у нашој епохи (стр. 238-259). Београд: Чигоја, ISBN: 978-86-531-0922-6.
- Филипович, А. (2020). Электоральные успехи правопопулистских партий в Финляндии, Швеции и Норвегии (с. 168-179). Правый популизм: глобальный тренд и региональные особенности: монография / Н.К.Капитонова, И.Э.Магадеев, В.О.Печатнов [и др.]; под редакцией Л.С.Окуневой, А.И.Тэвдой- Бурмули; Московский государственный институт международных отношений (университет) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации. — Москва: МГИМО-Университет, 2020. — 404, [1] с. ISBN: 978-5-9228-2279-4
- Filipović, A. (2019). “Kosovo and Metohija — history and current developments in the region” (pp. 252-264). Digest of World Politics – Annual Review, Volume 9, Saint-Petersburg State University. УДК: 94+327.56+341.1/8
- Филипович, А. (2019). «Популистские партии в правительствах Чехии и Словакии — партнеры или соперники в диалоге с Россией?» (с. 379-397). Сборник работ VII международной студенческой научной конференции “РОССИЯ в глобальном мире: новые вызовы и возможности”, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет. ISBN: 978-5-98620-409-3.
Journal Articles:
- Maier Marina & Filipović Aleksa. “Russian Extraterritorial Naturalisation of Populations – Towards Conceptualisation of the Strategic Policy”, The Review of International Affairs, Vol. 74, No 1188, 2023, pp. 27-50. ISSN: 0486-6096. eISSN: 2955-9030.
- Filipović, Aleksa. ’’Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS): Towards global regulation or indiscriminate employment?’’. Politička revija, vol. 75, br. 1, 2023, str. 211-232. ISSN: 1451-4281.
- Filipović Aleksa. ’’Vaccine diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of the Republic of Serbia’’. Международные отношения, № 4., 2021, стр. 15 – 31. ISSN: 2305-560X. eISSN: 2454-0641.
- Filipović Aleksa. ”The impact of right-wing populist parties upon national policy with regards to the Russian Federation: the case of the Progress Party (Norway) and the Danish People’s Party”. Международные отношения. № 3., 2020, стр. 18 – 53. ISSN: 2305-560X. eISSN: 2454-0641.
- Filipović Aleksa. “The Characteristics of the Nordic right-wing populism”. Мировая политика. № 4., 2021, стр. 66 – 78. eISSN: 2409-8671.
- Филипович Алекса. ”Влияние крайне правых в Швеции на процесс евроинтеграции”, Мировая политика. № 4., 2019, стр. 46 – 60. eISSN: 2409-8671.
- Alimov Andrew Alekseevich & Filipovic Aleksa, “Russian-Serbian Relations – Challenges and Perspectives”, Society. Enviroment. Development («Общество. Среда. Развитие»), №.4 (49), 2018, pp.31-42. ISSN: 1997-5996.
- Filipović, Aleksa. ”Mass media and risks in advertising campaigns: cultural and ethical concerns”, University of Singidunum, 2014, pp. 1-86.
- Филиповић, Алекса. ”Улога националног идентитета у Кримског кризи (2014- 2015)”, Факултет политичких наука, Универзитет у Београду, 2015, стр. 1-77.
- Filipović, Aleksa. ”Position of major right-wing parties of Eastern Europe and Nordic countries towards EU, NATO and Russia”, School of International Relations, Saint- Petersburg State University, 2018. pp. 1-150.
- Филипович, Алекса. «ЕС, НАТО и Россия в идеологии и практике правых популистских партий Финляндии и Скандинавии: сравнительный анализ», Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, 2023. с.1-501.
Conferences, Round Tables, Seminars, Lectures:
- 2024, Volgograd (Russia): Presented research findings in virtual format at the “International Roundtable ‘Multipolar world: interregional cooperation in the new reality’”, “Challenges and Opportunities: International Institutions in a Changing World”.
- 2023, Saint Petersburg (Russia): Presented research findings in virtual format at the ”V International municipal forum of BRICS+ countries”, ”Serbia and BRICS+: Findings of the opinion polls, current and potential cooperation”.
- 2023, Kuban (Russia): Presented research findings in virtual format at the “XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Scientific Discussion Club ‘Expert’ Named after A.A. Samokhin – Kuban State University”, ”Finnish and Swedish membership in NATO: towards regional security or instability?”.
- 2023, Vyborg (Russia): Participated in virtual format at the 12 th Yearly International Conference “Russia and Europe: current problems of Contemporary International Journalism”.
- 2023, virtual format (Russia): Presented research findings at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Migration Issues and Opportunities for Interregional International Cooperation”, ”Sweden and the ‘Open Door’ Immigration Policy: a Failed Ideological Experiment or a Model Scandinavian Country”.
- 2023, Istanbul (Turkey): Participated in the Round Table of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung “The Future of European Security in a Changing World Order”.
- 2022, Belgrade (Serbia): Presented research findings at the conference of the Institute for European Studies “Fascism in our era: on the state of fascism studies today”, “Overview of Soviet and Russian academic research on the ideology of fascism”.
- 2022, virtual format, Volgograd (Russia): Presented research findings at the round table of the “School of Young Researchers”, “Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Western Balkans”.
- 2022, Kuban (Russia): Presented research findings in virtual format at the “XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference of the scientific discussion club ‘Expert’ named after A.A. Samokhin – Kuban State University”, “’ Steel Friendship’ between Serbia and China: an overview of current trends in Sino-Serbian cooperation”.
- 2022, Moscow (Russia): Presented research findings at the “Primakov Readings Youth Session”, “Ascensions of Finland and Sweden to NATO – a new crisis in Europe?”.
- 2022, Belgrade (Serbia): Participated in the round table of the Institute of European Studies ”General elections in Sweden”.
- 2022, Belgrade (Serbia): Participated in the round table of the Institute of European Studies ”Ukraine, Russia and NATO: Where to next?”.
- 2021, Moscow (Russia): Presented research findings at the round table ”Balkan Dialogue
- 2021, ”Vaccine diplomacy: current state”.
- 2020, Saint Petersburg (Russia): Presented research findings in virtual format at the
conference ”Democracy as an Instrument of the World Order”, ”Democracy in the
countries of Northern Europe and the problem of populism”. - 2019, Saint Petersburg (Russia): Presented research findings at the ”Tauride Readings
2019”, “Election success on the parliament elections of the major right-wing parties of
Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (2001-2019)” - 2019, Moscow (Russia): Presented research findings at the XII Russian International
Studies Association (RISA), ”Election success of the major right-wing parties in Finland,
Sweden and Norway”. - 2019 Ryazan (Russia): Presented research findings at the II Russian-Balkan Youth Forum,
”Sino-Russian Investments in the Balkans – a Comparative Analysis”. - 2019, Moscow (Russia): Presented research findings at the II International Contest of
Student Scientific and Analytical Papers on Balkan Problem, ”One Belt One Road –
China’s Silk Route Initiative in the Balkans”. - 2019, Saint Petersburg (Russia): Presented research findings at the VII International
Student Scientific Conference, ”Populist parties in governments of the Czech Republic
and Slovakia – partners or adversaries in dialogue with Russia?” - 2019, Saint Petersburg (Russia): Participated in the ”Youth Round Table” of the North-
West Institute of Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration (RANEPA). - 2010, Istanbul (Turkey): Participated in the seminar and the study trip of the Faculty of
Political Sciences, University of Belgrade ”Contemporary Balkan Relations”. - 2010, Paris (France) и Geneva (Switzerland): Participated in the seminar and the study
trip of the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade ”Diplomacy for the
Aleksa Filipović (Алекса Филиповић) is a political scientist (Ph.D.) employed as a research
associate at the Institute of European Studies (Belgrade). His field of research includes the
study of the right-wing parties in Europe, the political systems of the Scandinavian countries,
Russia, and post-Soviet space, as well as the relations between the Nordic countries and
Russia. He is also interested in vaccine diplomacy as well as in legal and ethical issues
related to the use of artificial intelligence in modern weapons systems. Aleksa Filipović was born in 1989 in Belgrade, Serbia. He graduated in International Relations from the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade (Факултет
политичких наука, Универзитет у Београду) in 2013, where he completed his master’s
studies in the same field in 2015. In 2014, he finished his master’s studies in economics at
Singidunum University.
In 2016, he moved to Saint Petersburg, where in 2018 he completed his master’s studies at the
School of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University (Факультет
Международных отношений СПбГУ) and continued his education there by enrolling in
Ph.D. (аспирантура) studies. As part of his further specialization, in 2021 he completed his
post-graduate studies at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatische Akademie
In June 2023, he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis (кандидатская диссертация)
entitled “EU, NATO, and Russia in the Ideology and Practice of Right-wing Populist Parties
in Finland and Scandinavia: a comparative analysis”. As of April 2024, he is employed as a
research associate at the Institute of European Studie (Институт за европске студије –
ИЕС) in Belgrade, Serbia.
In addition to actively writing scientific papers, he regularly participates in international
conferences, while he is also present in the Serbian media sphere as a foreign policy analyst.
Besides his native Serbian, he is fluent in English and Russian, speaks French, and has a
basic knowledge of German.