We inform you that the event is canceled due to the unexpected commitments of the participants from Croatia. On Wednesday, June 12, starting at 12 noon, the Institute for European Studies is organizing: PRESENTATION OF THE BOZIDARA PETRAČ’S TRANSLATION OF DANTE’S BOOK“THE DIVINE COMEDY” (MATICA CROATIA, ZAGREB 2021) Božidar Petrač is a Croatian writer and…
Author: Marija Marsenic
May 30 – Prof. Dr. Nina Markovic Khaze (Macquarie University):„Australia’s relationship with Europe in the 21st century: defence, economy, politics and diaspora linkages”
On Thursday, May 30, starting at 12 noon, the Institute of European Studies is organizing alecture Prof. Dr. Nina Markovic Khaze AUSTRALIA’S RELATIONSHIP WITH EUROPE IN THE 21STCENTURY: DEFENCE, ECONOMY, POLITICS AND DIASPORALINKAGES At the very beginning of the 21st century, Australia completely reoriented its security policy tothe common Anglo-American foreign policy priorities in the…
On Thursday, May 23, starting at 12 noon, the Institute of European Studies is organizing alectureProf. Dr. Spyridon Litsas THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN IN THE ERA OF CORE SYSTEMICCHALLENGES After the emergence of a Black Swan, i.e., the COVID-19 pandemic, and the continuation of twomajor conflicts, i.e., the Russo-Ukrainian and the Gaza War, the geostrategic challenges…
May 10-13 – Dr. Jovica Pavlović at the conference in Gummersbach (Germany)
Colleague Dr. Jovica Pavlović, research associate of the Institute for European Studies, will be in Gummersbach (Germany) from May 10 to 13, 2024, where he will participate in the conference “Auslaufmodell Nationalstaat?” Umstritene Staatlichkeit und Separatismus”, organized by the Theodore Heuss Academy, to hold a presentation on the normative theories of secession.
May 7 – prof. Dr. Vladimir Cvetković – presentation of the book:”Sociology of politics.” Pre-modern political communities -values, institutions, actors. Book two”
On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, from 12 noon, the Institute for European Studies is organizing a book presentation Prof. Dr. Vladimir Cvetković: “Sociology of politics. Pre-modern political communities – values, institutions, actors. Book two” Prof. Dr. Vladimir Cvetković graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad (1985). Master’s degree at the Faculty of Political…
May 9-15 – International scientific-expert round table “Parallels between Ukraine, Russia and the Balkans”
Various ties are being strengthened between the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and scientific cooperation is developing, among other things. A step in that direction will be the international scientific-expert round table “Parallels between Ukraine, Russia and the Balkans”, which will be held from May 9 to 15, 2024…
Dr. Rajko Petrović’s monograph, “Regional development of Serbia – between chance and necessity” on the list of required literature of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac
Dr. Rajko Petrović’s scientific monograph entitled “Regional Development of Serbia – Between Chance and Necessity” (Poredak and Institute of European Studies, 2021) will be from next semester (autumn 2024) included in the list of required literature for the subject Regional Planning and Development at Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Kragujevac.
MSc Slađana Ćurčić at the annual scientific meeting: “Waves of competition: Strategic rivalries in the Indo-Pacific”
MSc Slađana Ćurčić, Research Trainee, participated in the annual scientific meeting: “Waves of competition: Strategic rivalries in the Indo-Pacific”, where she presented a paper entitled: “The strategic importance of the Indo-Pacific in the security policy of the European Union”. The organizers of the meeting are the Faculty of Security and the Institute for International Politics…
April 24 – Amílcar Correia – Lecture on: “Portugal, democracy and journalism”
On Wednesday, April 24, starting at 12:00 p.m., the Institute of European Studies isorganizing a lecture by Amílcar Correia on the topic “Portugal, Democracy andJournalism”. Since July 2023, Amílcar Correia has been the editor-in-chief of Público, one of thebest-selling and most influential daily newspapers in Portugal. Before that, in theperiod from 2018 to 2023, he…
April 16-18 – Dr. Milan Igrutinović, Dr. Jovica Pavlović and MA Petar Čurčić are participating at the conference: “My Hero Your Enemy: Historical Narratives in National Identity Building in the CEE and SEE Region“
Our colleagues Dr Milan Igrutinović, Dr Jovica Pavlović and MA Petar Ćurčić will be participating at the conference in Ohrid, April 16-18, within the international project “My Hero Your Enemy: Historical Narratives in National Identity Building in the CEE and SEE Region“. The project is financially supported by the Visegrad Fund and lead by the Institute…